Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise
Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise
R | 30 April 2006 (USA)
Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise Trailers

When Jesse Stone looks into the murder of a teen-age girl whose body is found floating in a local lake, it brings him up against the Boston mob and into the affluent world of a bestselling writer who exploits troubled teens.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
SanteeFats Another very well done Jesse Stone movie. A dead 14 year old, pregnant teen found floating in a Paradise pond leads to some very revealing scenarios. Turns out the girl has turned into a slut after she switches to a news school. As the film progresses Jesse finds out that the accused, a well known writer named Shaw uses his annual fund raiser to meet and seduce young girls and is the father of the dead girl's fetus. He is also a yachtsman and the knot tied to hold the body down doesn't make sense, it was a square knot which will come undone. This leads Jesse to the real murderer's, a local drug dealer and his gunman bodyguard. They killed the girl and planted her to get Shaw out of the picture because he was writing an expose on the dealer. They all meet in an abandoned building where the dealer ends up shot by his guard and Jesse kills the shooter. Just a nice old fashion detective movie.
aequitas_veritas_007 I will start off by saying the overall simple style and dialogue of this made for TV movie make it a success. It is a guys version of Hallmark/Lifetime movies, with a length that is not too long to hold a viewers interest. As this is the third Jesse Stone movie, and the second that I have seen, I am glad that the supporting characters returned to keep the bond they have created up. The set locations are amazingly rural and real, although some of the cheesy freeze frames during commercial transitions could have been handled better. The story remains as entertaining as Jesse Stone: Stone Cold. Stone's direct, no bull approach is cool to watch. The story line is a tough one to touch on national television and be appropriate, but they did a good job. The "plot twist" was simple and more of a "when are they going to realize what is going on" versus the "I have no idea, surprise me" type. The sub-stories about Stone's alcoholism could been left out, they didn't really contribute to anything. I am a fan of this series and can't wait to watch the rest, but I would not say it is worth buying on DVD. A single viewing should do ya.
JWJanneck I like the Jesse Stone series---with generally very good acting, good production values, atmospheric photography and good direction, they are head and shoulders above average TV fare (I could do without the corny freeze-frame cuts, though). Selleck delivers an excellent performance, and his supporting cast turns in some fine acting as well. The movies are a bit formulaic: some big crime mixed with a human interest piece that Chief Stone usually handles by threatening someone or beating someone up, plus a romantic interest, usually the first reasonably attractive woman to walk onto the screen (although this time it was the second---my money initially was on the dog owner, but she wasn't it). However, the small-town atmosphere comes across nicely, the plots are reasonably complex, and the human interest story lines provide some intermittent satisfaction and an opportunity for Selleck to show another side of his character.SPOILERS! The one problem I had with this installment is that its resolution is somewhat sudden, and also not a little corny. Even though a viewer might have guessed it (it was pretty clear that the false suspect would turn out to be misdirection), the piece of evidence providing the crucial insight is delivered a few seconds before the final showdown (unless I missed a clue at the false suspect's maritime experience before then), and then it's a few seconds of high noon in a warehouse and that was it: game over.Still, not the worst way to spend 90 minutes or so, which you probably have discovered for yourself already, otherwise you hopefully wouldn't read this spoiler-ridden review.
blambert-3 This is the third in the Jesse Stone movie series and I thought it was the best. Selleck is just perfect as the flawed, but honorable main character. What makes this series so good is what others have written; the pacing of the films is thoughtful; the characters are adult and complex; it has plot and intelligence over car crashes and special effects though it has action and romance in it to be sure. You like Selleck's character instantly and his scenes with his other officers,the State Police Detective and the shrink he see's about his drinking, are all terrific.In the special features on Stone Cold Selleck says people have a 'hunger' for this type of adult entertainment where plot and story are more important than rapid fire visuals--and that is so true. It's surprising how good this series is--it's way better than 95% of what's in the theaters. Tom Selleck in a really good cop movie or Pirates of the Caribbean part IV--it's no contest.