Stone Cold
Stone Cold
R | 20 February 2005 (USA)
Stone Cold Trailers

Jesse Stone is a former L.A. homicide detective who left behind the big city and an ex-wife to become the police chief of the quiet New England fishing town of Paradise. Stone's old habits die hard as he continues to indulge his two favorite things: Scotch whiskey and women. After a series of murders—the first ever in Paradise—and a high school girl is raped, he's forced to face his own demons in order to solve the crimes.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
headhunter46 It this first episode of the Jesse Stone series Tom Selleck portrays a small town cop who is forced to deal with killings that seem to keep piling up. He had been a big town cop so he had more experience than the average small town cop which proved to he his edge in this intriguing TV movie. It looked might good to have been made specifically for TV.I like the pace this and all of the Jesse Stone series move at. I bit slow for those who like to see cars flying through the air and buildings exploding. With Jesse Stone it is ninety percent mind work. We get to see his facial expressions, watch his actions as a gateway to what his thoughts are. He speaks only when he needs to, He is a straight shooter, no games, no politics. He truly is a sensible, good cop kind of guy.I saw this a few years ago and recently when I watched another I decided it was time to come and post a comment. I'm going to start on the rest of the series. The DVD rental store nearest me told me it is hard to keep the Jesse Stone movies on the shelf. They have a way of disappearing. Evidently people like them so well they keep them and offer to pay for them.
mfrost71w The Jesse Stone movies shouldn't work; there's no pace at all in them, but, somehow, they do work. Stone admits to alcoholism but he should really be doing something about his caffeine intake. Stone spends all the day drinking coffee staring into nothingness over water, drinking coffee in his car staring into nothingness, drinking coffee with his psychiatrist while monosyllabically discussing nothing very much. He spends the nights drinking whiskey while staring into nothingness over water, drinking whiskey staring into nothingness inside his house or drinking whiskey while monosyllabically chatting on the phone with his ex-wife. If you took out these moments of nothingness, the films would be about 15 minutes long. Yet, for all that, the films have a charm and a pathos. It is nearly aways about to rain in Stone's New England (but rarely does) to give great skies over the landscapes as well as contributing to the melancholia. A tinkling, melancholic but sweet piano theme plays throughout the films constantly, only ceasing when Stone is in his house (drinking whiskey and staring into nothingness) and he puts tinkling, melancholic but sweet Brahms piano music on his stereo. The only thing more depressed than Stone in the films is his found dog, who's loyal but emotionally distant and often gives Stone the cold shoulder. Stone solves his crimes by staring into nothingness and asking a few desultory questions - usually of Hasty, an ex-banker that tried to kill him but professes his liking of Stone or of Gino Fish a ruthless gangster who tried to kill him but kind of likes Stone. He kind of stumbles into solving the crimes. Despite all this, the Jesse Stone films have something about them and are a cut above your usual made-for-TV films. I for one look forward to them being on TV, despite the fact I can predict what will happen for most of the film. A curiosity well worth the time
chris-lorraine Hi, I have to say first off that I am a great Robert B Parker fan. His Jesse Stone novels are amongst some of the best writing that Parker has committed to paper and although I found this film engaging it cannot compare to the book. The characters are well drawn, I like Selleck as Stone and many of the other main characters play their parts well. What this film lacks is the intensity of Parker's writing. Although much of the dialogue is straight from the book the depth of the writing, particularly Jesse Stone's inner demons and the banter between Stone and his subordinates is sadly lacking. I would still prefer this to much of the run of the mill made for TV stuff available. I'm looking forward to others in the series.Tack
ctnegative This movie reminded me of a Miles Davis CD cover, Blue Moods. Everything on the screen is blue: the weather, the sea, the rain, and the the main actor's state of mind.The story is simple, yet realistic. No special effects, not one of those "video-game" movies with nothing to say, but a sensible and reasonable plot.A fallen from grace L.A. detective, "exiled" from the big city due to past problems, tries to make a living as a small town police officer. He must find a way to deal with local, mysterious crimes while putting his life together, and keeping his moral code despite of an always present sense of loss.It's a picture of real life, ladies and gentlemen, not good or bad, just as it is. May be a peasant theme for some, but for me it felt like an oasis on Hollywood's present cultural desert.