Dark Angel
Dark Angel
R | 28 September 1990 (USA)
Dark Angel Trailers

Jack Caine is a Houston vice cop who's forgotten the rule book. His self-appointed mission is to stop the drugs trade and the number one supplier Victor Manning. Whilst involved in an undercover operation to entrap Victor Manning, his partner gets killed, and a sinister newcomer enters the scene...

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Phil Hubbs What on earth is going on with the film title here I dunno but I prefer 'Dark Angel' for sure. Anyways this was Matthias Hues big flick for which he is most remembered for, which isn't much to shout about.Very silly sci-fi flick about an alien drug dealer sucking endorphins out of human brains to sell all over the galaxy. Its very hokey even for its time and without Lundgren would be total B-movie schlock. Even with Lundgren its still pretty poor with bad effects, terrible acting and only a few impressive car stunts to hand. I mean really...how can you take this remotely seriously with a gang of thugs called 'The White Boys' that are all dressed in suits and look like killer yuppies.Its a classic dumb sci-fi B-movie for sure but I just didn't really like it that much. Benben was constantly annoying and the whole film was trying way too hard with the obvious mismatched buddy cop/hero duo squabbling with each other setup. All this did was come across as boring clichéd unoriginal and resulting in some majorly lame forced humour.4/10
gavin6942 Jack Caine (Dolph Lundgren) is a Houston vice cop who's forgotten the rule book. His self-appointed mission is to stop the drugs trade and the number one supplier Victor Manning (Sherman Howard). Whilst involved in an undercover operation to entrap Manning, his partner (Alex Morris) gets killed, and a sinister newcomer enters the scene...I do not want to say this is a bad movie. I mean, for what it is, it was executed pretty well. Dolph Lundgren fighting drug dealers and an alien, with car chases, explosions and a compact disc that can cut through just about anything. There is plenty to love here.The problem is that it just makes little sense. Is it worth traveling all that way for human endorphins? Could they not be synthesized? How does the alien know such things exist unless it has happened in the past? Typically I do not ask questions about alien motives or origins, but the creatures here are just demanding it...A fun film nonetheless, but not what you might call a lost classic. Definitely shows signs of being lower-budget 80s / 90s cheese.
breakdownthatfilm-blogspot-com For actor Dolph Lundgren, I am disappointed that his career has remained at these kinds of films. It is not that they are bad, they just don't seem to be what could fit him character wise. It's a shame that producers and directors don't look for him to star in other films. Instead, Lundgren fans will majority of the time see him in Direct-to- Video releases. I think this film could've had a moderate successful run if it had been released theatrically, but that obviously didn't happen.Lundgren stars as Jack Caine, a Texas cop who likes doing things his own way. While trying to capture a crack dealer named Victor Manning, his partner is killed in the process but in that time gap, another individual comes onto the screen. Matthias Hues is Talec, an alien who will use the crack to inject into his victims to create his own alien drug. In the meantime, Caine has his deceased partner replaced with FIB agent Smith played by Brian Benben. This concept is actually not that bad. Of course, that doesn't stop this movie from having its flaws but through and through, it's a decent fun.The character of Jack Caine is well played by Lundgren. His ability to act quick in tense situations and hand-to-hand combat skills are praiseworthy. And the pairing of Smith and Caine was an acceptable casting choice as well. Benben makes use of his smaller appearance as a character compared to Lundgren. Even though Smith annoys Caine for some time, because Smith follows the book line by line, these characters develop a friendship over time, which is good thing. Their dialog exchanges are humorous as well.Also because of Caine's rashness at his job, he struggles to maintain a healthy relationship with his girlfriend Diane Pallone (Betsy Brandtley). This subplot didn't particularly make the film any less cliché but it did make the story a slight bit more engaging because to some, it may concern viewers if Caine's girlfriend will run into this drug seeking alien. Adding to the fun is Michael J. Pollard, or as others might remember him as, Owen, from Tango & Cash (1989) a year before. Pollard still has the chops to be goofy.Musical artist, Jan Hammer was the score writer for this action film. Unfortunately there was no specific theme but his catchy beats made it enjoyable all the same. This is rare for me. Most of the time if the score to a film does not have a specific theme, it tends to leave me empty but I enjoyed Hammer's music so that surprised me. The look of the alien race that Hues plays is neat too. Although I still think it is cheesy that their insides are made up of molten marshmallow.There wasn't much that was bad here, but for what there was it irked me. For one, the beginning of the alien plot never concluded the Victor Manning plot. Victor Manning was never captured. Why would the writers leave that untouched? Couldn't they just have written an ending for the Victor Manning plot once the alien plot started? Also the ending seemed kind of abrupt. For endings to a film, there should be some kind of a closing scene but this film doesn't offer that. The action was good too even though it still had a mid-80's feel to it...I mean it was filmed and released in the very late 80's so I can understand why.Jack Caine is not the most memorable character in film history but Dark Angel is a fun Dolph Lundgren piece if you're in the mood for a silly cop film with a pinch of outer space.
Bene Cumb It could have been just a drug-related cop thriller where "the bad guy" could have possessed much of the appearance and skills he used as an alien; the sci-fi addition gives some awkward undertone as there were no state-of-the-art technical solutions available in the end of 1980ies. The plot is OK (with several influences from Terminator, though) and the cast beginning with Dolph Lundgren (Houston cop Jack Caine) and Matthias Hues (extra-terrestrial drug dealer Talec) get the most out of it. The ending is a bit trivial and abrupt, but does not spoil the overall picture. If you like movies with Lundgren, you will know what to expect and you will hardly be disappointed, although it is not among the best ones.