The Island at the Top of the World
The Island at the Top of the World
G | 20 December 1974 (USA)
The Island at the Top of the World Trailers

A Victorian gentleman hopes to find his long-lost son, who vanished while searching for a mysterious Viking community in a volcanic valley somewhere in uncharted Arctic regions. The gentleman puts together an expedition team to go on the search, but when they reach their destination they must escape from some Viking descendants who will kill to keep their existence a secret.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Spikeopath The Island at the Top of the World is directed by Robert Stevenson and adapted to screenplay by John Whedon from the novel The Lost Ones written by Ian Cameron. It stars Donald Sinden, David Hartman, Jacques Marin, Mako and Agneta Eckemyr. Music is by Maurice Jarre and cinematography by Frank Phillips.Out of Walt Disney productions, this is a pic that finds the house of the mouse desperately trying to keep their live action fantasy flame ablaze. Unfortunately, in spite of some appealing production shunts, it's really rather dull and performed in the same manner.Plot has Sinden as an aristo type who has arranged an expedition to search the Arctic wastes for his lost son, Donald, who disappeared two years previously. Gathering up archaeologist Hartman and a dirigible piloted by Marin, they set off to the fabled place at the top of the world, a place where whales are said to go and die in peace. Will they make it? If so what will they find there?There's an old fashioned feel to proceedings, of adventure movies from decades before, but with that also comes the familiarity of knowing what will happen in the story. The characters are one dimensional stereotypes, completed by a comedy canine. The effects veer from poor to even poorer, though not lacking in imagination and always colourful via Phillips' lens filters.Ultimately it's one for kiddies and nostalgists, a noticed served of a mighty studio cutting corners and running out of ideas for the format to hand, thus the film suffers greatly for it. 5/10
Camelot_2000 I saw this as a kid in elementary school and it was played in the gymnasium on one of those old film projectors for the students to watch. We had a 'movie showing' every so often there. I was thoroughly entertained at the time, but now that I watched it tonight, it was interesting seeing it again, this time from adult eyes.Disney did an excellent depiction of the lost island of Astragard located off the Northern coast of Ellesmere Island. It looked like a perfect paradise straight out of a storybook. There's excellent scenery everywhere."The Place Where Whales Go To Die" has always been my favourite segment. The characters though never appear too cold while walking across the icy landscape or splashing around in the icy waters. They aren't even dressed too warmly either. I guess the studio lights kept them warm from all that cold Arctic air.Lastly, I got a kick out of seeing East Asian actors playing the Inuit at the trading post on Ellesmere Island. Mako does a real fine goof-ball performance as Oomiak, but you can tell he's not really an Eskimo.Overall, I did really enjoy this film. It has that grand sense of adventure and fun that those old Disney flicks are known for. I'd love to journey to Astragard and stroll around the bay where the 'Whales go to die', but in reality, all I'd find is ice and snowdrifts and deeply chilly winds. I used to live up in the Arctic, by the way.
T Y The format of this is the "Boy's Adventure," a genre which is now quite dead, existing now maybe only in Saturday morning animated adventures. But really a young boy's interest might be piqued in science and exploration by this. It's imaginative for the genre. I wanted to see it very badly as a kid, but my parents never took us to the movies.It gets moving quickly, which cannot be said for most Disney movies of the era. At the 14 minute mark, things are already underway. The big shift since this was made is that a movie like this would star physically-attractive, young-looking stars, not 3 people crowding middle age.The FX are mediocre, but some of them are surprising. The dirigible is passable about half the time (unlike the flying car in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang). But yes, it is hard to believe that this fell between 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars, two movies which are both more daring and whose fx are holding up better. It's hard to believe Disney used to be at the forefront of movie technology and effects, which by the 70s began to fail them. They aimed low and hit their target. This movie has cost-cutting as it's major aesthetic; bad rear-screen projection, indoor sets standing in for exteriors, and much too much faith in Albert Whitlock matte paintings. I did wonder if certain sequences weren't digitally improved for the DVD.Stargate stole the first half hour of this. Bu then this has borrowed a bit from Lost Horizon.
ma-cortes This sci-fi adventure adapted from Jules Verne novel film deals about an expedition organized by a rich man(Donald Sinden),an adventurer(David Tomlinson,an unforgettable Lucas Tanner) and a genius inventor(Jacques Marin).They along with an Eskimo(Mako) set out in search of his son in a ingenious blimp called Hiparion.But they suddenly encounter a lost civilization, a Viking kingdom.They are trapped by the Vikings and are judged in a temple under the sculptures of Northern Gods: Thor and Odin.They're condemned to death penalty but achieve to flee.The movie displays exciting flying involving a spectacular Zeppelin over the skies of Arctic where we see different animals: Seals,oxes,White bears,Orcas,Reindeers and a Whales cemetery.The picture gets action,adventures,derring-do,amusing images and breathtaking landscapes.Colorful atmosphere in this entertaining story with tension and adventures is maintained throughout. Splendid aerial cinematography reflecting marvellous outdoors.Abound matte painting including interesting special effects by the Disney specialist Peter Ellenshaw who is production designer too.Evocative and agreeable musical score by Maurice Jarre(Lawrence of Arabia).The motion picture is beautifully directed by Robert Stevenson,he's a Disney's usual director(In search of the castaways ,his fist attempt to recreate Verne novel,Gnome mobile,Herbie rises again,Mary Poppins).Mainly recommendable for all family and specially for children and adventures lovers.