The Peanut Butter Solution
The Peanut Butter Solution
PG | 12 September 1986 (USA)
The Peanut Butter Solution Trailers

Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two friendly ghosts. Eleven-year-old Michael loses all of his hair when he gets a fright and uses the potion to get his hair back, but too much peanut butter causes things to get a bit hairy.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
SnowBunny0626 Growing up, I watched this movie... and I liked it. I do not remember it scaring me so much as intriguing me with the idea of walking into a painting. I remember dreaming about having paintings like this and always thought they should have maybe done some more with the idea of people going into them...Anyway... point being... I have asked so many people over the years if they have ever heard of "The Peanut Butter Solution" and I believe, after asking close to 75 people (...literally, by the way, because I had asked during a giant college group process and there were about 50 people in my group at least) I have gone through High School and am in college and, other than my sister and I, I have found two people who know what this movie is, one of which couldn't remember the title but knew when I described it. I AM AMAZED THAT NO ONE KNOWS THIS MOVIE! I believe it is one of my favorite movies, not necessarily because of the fact that it is a fabulous movie you should run out and rent but because no one knows it. I have made it a point to make people watch it to become educated in its greatness. I own the VHS which is good, but I would love for it to be on DVD. I have become a silent crusader for this movie and have vowed to spread the joy of this movie.Watching it now is not the same as watching it then. The acting isn't the best and maybe the plot is off the wall but it is worth seeing. If anything, I think it is the best for something like a party or something where you can all just laugh at it. You have to be in the mind set for it, though, and you have to stay focused... it becomes a common thing then for you and your friends since NO ONE seems to have seen it. But I love it... and I recommend it. Its a classic.
chichobit998 i watched the peanut butter solution a looong time ago, and like most others, it scared the crap out of me. the movie came out before i was born, but as a small child, the idea that there could be something so scary it could make your hair fall out terrified me. i only remember bits and pieces, but the part where he goes into the painting was my favorite part... i don't remember the acting or dialogue, only that the movie was amazing and i loved it, even if it did scare me... The peanut butter solution was made of some nasty things too, i remember him cracking a raw egg over his head? maybe im making that up... anyway, the kidnapping scared me and the fact that there were so many young children unaware that they were being used for magical paintbrushes... i also remember that the guy who was making the paintbrushes was incredibly creepy... what was his name again? 1985 was probably not a great year for cinema, but this one was a good onethats it
bas340 I can not believe how many people suffered from the same experience as me. As I tried to explain the following to friends often, I would get a blank stare in response : "A kid goes into a house for some reason, i think he falls backwards, gets amnesia and loses his hair. He glues a wig on his head, plays soccer, it gets ripped off, he runs home. He tries an experiment, his parents destroy it because it contains like dead flies and he is trying to grow his hair back. Then these ghosts or ancestors of his, -something give him another chance at the recipe and he gets it to work, he looks in a toaster at his reflection and his hair is grows way too fast" BLANK STARES.
juliann_wilding i don't even remember how old I was when I saw The Peanut Butter Solution, but its memory has stayed with me and recurred for at least 15-17 years. This movie is genius, and seriously TRULY scary, and kids and adults should all see it, but for kids its better because you don't have pretensions yet so it will mess you up. As a child, it makes you think of the creepiest, most messed up things: men randomly appearing in your kitchen and intellectually seducing you, factories with children in cages while other children make paintbrushes out of their trapped comrades continuously growing hair... kidnap, being ostracized from your peers, permanently ... pubic growth... death, doom, and existential peril.. yeah, it's completely grim. which is what makes it such a great kids' flick. other movies cast a glow on even terrifying experiences. this movie makes you realize quickly, even as a child, that life is so thoroughly bleak that you will even try putting peanut butter mixed with a bunch of gross crap all over your head to make it better.