Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
PG-13 | 10 November 1995 (USA)
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Trailers

Summoned from an ashram in Tibet, Ace finds himself on a perilous journey into the jungles of Africa to find Shikaka, the missing sacred animal of the friendly Wachati tribe. He must accomplish this before the wedding of the Wachati's Princess to the prince of the warrior Wachootoos. If Ace fails, the result will be a vicious tribal war.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
merelyaninnuendo Ace Ventura: When Nature CallsThis is a Jim Carrey Show and it was almost as if even the writers knew that it would work and it does for the most of the time but besides Jim, it barely has a script of an episode.
krycek19 I love the original movie.But this was sheer torture to watch to the end. That hour and half of running time, felt like 3 hours.I don't know how they could screw this up so bad. It wasn't funny at all. Just dumb. Jim Carrey wasn't funny, just as annoying as Adam Sandler in any Adam Sandler movie. It's like he either tried too hard or didn't try at all, because he knew this movie would suck and he was probably just there for a paycheck.And don't even get me started on the racism towards African tribes.Ace Ventura, unlike in the original, was not a likable character. here. He was just an a-hole. Maybe it was the whole dumb idea of moving the sequel to Africa. In the original, that took place in Miami, Florida, everyone was acting seriously, while Jim Carrey was the only one acting retarded. And he had good actors to act against. And that made him funny. Kind of like Joey vs everyone else in "Friends". This felt like the spin off series: "Joey", that wasn't funny, because all of Joeys "Friends" were gone.The only ones that will find this crap funny, are kids from the age of 5 to 10. Any normal teenager or adult will hate this movie.
Geoffrey DeLeons From beginning to end, this is not only a comedic masterpiece, but a dramatic one as well. A very serious (and global) story is told with the protagonist being one very off-beat, colorful and animal-friendly "detective". Ace goes to the ends of the Earth, confronting his deepest fear (that of bats), and foresaking the relative security of the "ashram" to fulfill himself, retrieve lost animals.., and collect the $10,000."There's....something!! Something, on the wing!!" Ace brings a splash of synthetic color and eccentric humor to the traditionally dressed and mannered African tribe who are his host. Nevertheless, they become endeared to him and accept him.., at least temporarily. Every moment is hilarious, even when he is caught by a neighboring, hostile tribe and sentenced to the Wachutu trials of death. The ending is one of the best I have ever seen in a movie, and totally unexpected: Ace manages to find the sacred bat and save a princess from a forced marriage, as well. (The results of his efforts are unanticipated, though.) There is nothing like this movie, and it is a gem to be treasured.
SnoopyStyle The movie starts with Ace Ventura failing to rescue a raccoon in a parody of 'Cliffhanger'. He abandons everything to live in a remote Himalyan hideaway. After the Himalayas, he joins Fulton Greenwall (Ian McNeice) in a quest to find a sacred bat and avert a war between with Wachootoo and Wachati tribes.Jim Carrey is pushing the envelop with even more crazier antics than the original. There are some hilarious stuff here. Sometimes it's even smart like the parody of 'Cliffhanger'. Mostly it's all very juvenile. It has its moment but like its predecessor, this does get tiresome. A big problem is that he does a lot of it out of anger. It makes some of the jokes to fall flat. It's a very uneven movie that tired me out.