NR | 18 January 1960 (USA)
Rosemary Trailers

West Germany in '50s is becoming an economic superpower. In such climate, Rosemarie is just one of many enterpreneurs who wants her piece of new fortune. She uses her charms to bring members of West German industrial elite to her bed. There she finds business secrets and later sells them to French competition. However, when scandal errupts, Rosemarie would find that she can't beat the system.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
wvisser-leusden Apart from being a well-made film, 'Das Mädchen Rosemarie' (= German for 'the girl Rosemarie') reflects very well the big dilemma in the 1950's West Germany of Chancellor Conrad Adenauer.Conrad Adenauer lives on as one of Germany's great statesmen. He was responsible for the 'Wirtschaftswunder' (= German for 'the economic miracle', relating to West Germany's speedy recovery from the extensive damages of the lost Second World War). Adenauer rebuilt his country, and led it politically into the Western influence of the USA - making it a member of NATO.However, in one respect Adenauer failed: he did not deal effectively with the many Nazi-sympathizers in his country. In particular with those in its leading circles. There were just too many of them, and their abilities could not be missed for the re-building of the West German economy.It may be hard for Americans to appreciate, but 'Das Mädchen Rosemarie' is made special by this issue. The film emphasizes on the bankrupt moral state of mind of these business leaders - their former involvement with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi's is clearly written on their foreheads. In this respect this film's main theme, prostitution, connects very well.'Das Mädchen Rosemarie' even makes a historical document. I know of no other film dealing in such a clear, sharp and ruthless way with Germany's big post-war moral dilemma. A dilemma vanished by now, for the vast majority of these Hitler-infected leaders have died.
sdoan German director, Theile, did a great job of utilizing Hollywood with his filming techniques. The first thing that came to mind when watching this movie was ?Twilight Zone.? The camera movements, the angles, and the close-ups were very reminiscent of an old sci-fi movie. Watching Rosemarie forty-five years after it was first debuted was refreshing. There aren't many films with the same amount of character uniformity these days. Like the way in which the business men silently walked through scenes in queues. And how they all slowly drive the same car through the streets, wear the same clothes, and all have personal frustrations that Rosemarie exploited. All these traits added an eeriness to the film. The recurring, whirring sound effects of the revolving door were laughable. The two most bothersomme things were that it was obvious that many (if not all) of the street scenes were not shot on location, but rather on a closed studio set (though this made the scenes automaton-esque) and the subtitles weren't very precise to what the characters were really saying.Perhaps I have little patience, but I was ready to leave towards the middle of the movie. Or perhaps I have little patience for movies or I didn?t like the sci-fi feel. But I stayed and found myself to be intrigued with the circular ending of the film?as the final scene reminds the viewer of the opening scene and leaves them questioning, 'Will she meet the same fate'?
jorilind Das Maedchen Rosemarie was a very well-done film. It is about a call-girl,Rosemarie, who wants to move up in the world. She begins circulating withimportant capitalist business clients. Then a french client gets her to become a spy for him, and she begins to feel like she has a lot more power and influence then she really does, and becomes a threat to all of the men. In the meanwhile, all she really wants from the situation is to be an upperclass member like all of them. It's sad because, being a prostitute, she can never really be like a rich man's wife, or a member of elite society.One unique thing they did with it was to have two musicians (the two men with whom Rosemarie initially lives and works with) sing songs throughout the movie that have to do with what Rosemarie is currently doing. Their songs reflect on the current situation and foreshadow things to come. It is sort of similar to the two male singers in "There's Something about Mary," only this movie, unlike that one, is not moronic.The fim's being in black and white gives it another interesting effect. It does not have much background music, and reminds one of an Alfred Hitchcock movie inthat respect. It focuses on interesting (and altered/distorted to sound stranger) background noises like the whooshing sound of revolving doors, or the sound of an elevator going up. It also does interesting camera shots such as looking at the carpet (and the shadows of revolving doors) instead of the doorsthemselves. It reminded me of how, in Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock chose to focus on the running water, and shadows, in the famous shower/murder scene,instead of actually depicting the violence.I really liked this movie, and thought it was very well done, and somethingdifferent. Aside from the technical aspects of it, the general story-line was really good in itself, and had a strong message about capitalist germany and how the business and capitalist were taking over everything, and became moreimportant than the personal lives of less cold-hearted, business-minded people such as Rosemarie. Even though she was a prostitute, she was sort of innocent at the same time, because she could not comprehend how hopeless it was forher to wish to be a member of the upper class, and how most people were onlyusing her. She was just a luxury to them, and one more thing they could afford to buy for themselves to make their lives more interesting. They did not want for her to hold any real sway over them, or affect their lives in any way. She did not realize how dangerous it would be for her when she attempted to become a real person.
$TEVE McD A real art film,with bizarre music (especially the recurring music from the film's opening),great camera movements,and a film making technique that was truly ahead of it's time-you'll grin knowingly when you see the final scene.Unfortunately,the remake adopted none of the film's weird and bizarre stylings,instead only going for a straightforward reworking of the story.