Dark Summer
Dark Summer
| 09 January 2015 (USA)
Dark Summer Trailers

Follows the tale of a 17-year-old on house arrest for the summer. When his mother is away on business, a horrifying incident occurs, followed by an even more terrifying presence in the house.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
dickson-dante this movie makes no sense. A guy obsessing over a girl that he didn't know like him as well. Kills her self to possess his best female friend to be with him. First off why did she kill her self in the first place if she wanted to be with someone she knew liked her because she had him arrested for stalking? The whole movie is pointless
Ryder Smith To start off, lately I've started to watch lower rated movies to find the hidden gems that may be out there. This experience led me to Dark Summer.While the concept of the movie is intriguing, the movie itself fell short. The acting was not the greatest, however also not the worst. Possibly with a better script we could have seen some breathtaking shots from them unfortunately that's just not so. The camera work involves too many close ups, most of which are unnecessary, but is otherwise decently done.For a horror/thriller the movie is just not there.
Matt9942 I love horror/thriller movies. It isn't an exaggeration to say 90% of what I watch falls into that category. The other 10% is porn. It takes very little to make me happy when it comes to these smaller independent type movies. It isn't even so much the movie that I enjoy watching. It's the fun of looking for those hidden gems. Sure, it can suck watching a movie that's terrible, but it's worth the risk because you might find that movie that's so good your sack shrivels up like a prune.So even if the movie is terrible, I still enjoy it because it's all a part of the hunt.Dark Summer, however, was garbage. Boring, no plot, bad acting. Just crap. I didn't even know the names of the characters. There was no explanation of what was going on or why. There was just a super-dooper scary ghost with a super-dooper scary hoodie. Ooooooooooo....It was about an hour in when my pupils constricted and my body put me in a coma. When I finally woke up 4 days later I discovered that I had eaten the fingers off my left hand. There is also a large blood stain on the crotch of my pants but I'm to afraid to check what's causing it.
areadingwoman So let me start off by saying that this was a decent film in the end. But it DOES take until the end to vindicate the dull hour that precedes it. Fortunately, I don't feel the need to watch what I consider dull or predictable parts of films. I figure that's the joy of watching at home instead of the theater. So you have to know that this is a predictable movie in terms of relationships. It's evident early on that there's unrequited love going on and that is a big part of the film. Since this is the single most obvious part of the plot and for some reason takes up almost half the film, feel free to skip it all once you recognize the relationship. You'll see it within the first 5 minutes. After that is a lot of nothing mixed in with scares intermittently as is expected in a horror film. It's not too gory and there are some decent creepy moments throughout. Why the high rating, you may ask. It's all in the ending! This is one of those rare movies where I didn't see the end coming and that made all the fast forwarding worth it. Also, other reviewers said the movie was dark. I will say that I did not have that trouble with watching it on Netflix. Platform differences maybe?