The Pack
The Pack
| 05 February 2016 (USA)
The Pack Trailers

Man’s best friend becomes his worst nightmare when a horde of bloodthirsty wild dogs descends upon a family’s farmhouse in a fang-bearing fight for survival.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Stevieboy666 Australian movie about a family who find their farmhouse surrounded by a pack of deadly feral dogs (shades of Night of the Living Dead?) And that's pretty much it, stretched out to 85 minutes. Prosthetic heads aside the dogs used look more cuddly than dangerous. The acting was OK and there are a few bloody attacks, so a little something for gore fans, However I found the film pretty boring and it offers nothing new. It's set at night yet there's light streaming into the house from the windows. I do like Aussie movies but this is a million miles from the likes of Wolf Creek. My only consolation is that I paid £2 for it from the budget section and will be looking to pass the DVD on.
demented_one I love scary movies. However, I am old and have seen so many movies that this one reminds me of the old movies back in the seventies.the characters do such stupid things you find yourself throwing popcorn at the screen or cheering for the wolves. They were long haired dutch shepherds that look more like wolves than wolves do.the cliche's are piled on from the flashlight that doesn't work. The phone is out! The radio don't work! I am running! oh I trip! Let me rattle some cans to see if anything is there! To the 'lets split up' The male lead crashes into a police car, beats up a wolf and then runs off, never thinking that a cop car might, just might have additional firepower like a shotgun.They go back and forth with his deer rifle,(that looked strangely like a pellet gun) one time he would have ammo, another time, he wouldn't, his kid kept hiding bullets and they never explained why.The wolves were inconsistent, one minute their senses were razor keen and they even cut the power and the telephone (you might glimpse the wolf wearing the yellow hard hat) the next they would walk dully past the character hiding behind the door. I can't even put that one over on my golden retriever.Speaking of which, they heard their family dog barking early in the movie and then yipe! implying that the wolves got him for added suspense. But at the end of the movie he was alive again! A good movie to watch if you have buddies over.
slowtraincoming-1 SEE. THIS. FILM. The Pack (2015) is a gem of Australian Horror, the kind of movie that makes wading through all the other dreck worthwhile. When I first saw the cover art, I assumed this was from the cheap-but-occasionally- charming SyFy Channel school of film-making. I was wrong. This is a smartly scripted and acted story. The situation is simple enough. It's about an Australian family in a remote farmhouse who find themselves under siege by wild dogs, a Night of the Living Canines scenario. Tense, frightening, and atmospheric, it's a beautifully crafted movie. Move over, Cujo, I'm declaring it top dog in this category. Unqualified purchase recommendation for lovers of man vs. animal films. (I have the DVD and it's well-mastered, nearly blu-ray quality.)
FlashCallahan The Pack is a wannabe Ozploitation movie that really tries its best to shock and to scare, but you can only put so many shots of a dog doing that aggressive teeth showing smile thing they do before it becomes almost parodic.So we have your textbook farmhouse with all seemingly well. But wouldn't you know it, they have a teenage daughter who's always on the phone, and because the bills are racking up, good old mum tears the phone wire out of the socket when the daughter refuses to get off the phone (I wonder if that will be an intricate plot point later, seeing as they leave in the middle of nowhere).So it's not too long before it gets dark, and for a moment, it seemed like a jolly freakish set up, glowing eyes reminiscent of Jordan's Company Of Wolves, but in the blink of an eye, the film goes right down the Dunny.......You can almost hear the concept pitch to the studio 'remember Cujo? It's like that, but with more dogs, and it's at night, it's scary at night isn't it mate?'.It may be scary at night, but only when the rest of the film is coherent. Yes, it's reminiscent of Kings Book/movie, but what made that a little more eerie than it should have been is the fact that it's set in the day, it had a strange atmosphere to it.Here, people poll up to the house, see a shadow run past, and hey oh, they are 'chow' Mein. I don't mean to be 'woof' on the film, some of the attacks homage the raptor attack in the Lost World, but it's a boring affair, it took me all my will not to turn the blasted thing off, because there could have been something worth seeing at the end, but no,there wasn't.I honestly find dogs that walk in their bum scarier than this.