The Best Man
The Best Man
R | 09 July 2005 (USA)

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When writer's block derails the literary dreams of Olly Pickering, he has to move in with his friend Murray after losing all his money. Things start to look up when Olly's college pal James asks him to be the best man at his wedding. Prior to the nuptials, Olly is drawn to a woman whom he thinks is the bride's sister -- only she turns out to be the bride, Sarah. Can Murray, who dislikes James, help get Sarah and Olly together?

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
mikes2001 I would have titled this summary an Okay, typical romantic comedy, but somebody already used that title!! In fact, my review is not much different than that review but I just wanted to add my two cents. Or two shillings, whatever that may be, as this movie is set in London.It's a nice, light Romantic Comedy. There's no earth shattering observations and there's no attempt to relate the characters situation to any deeper event or philosophy. Which is cool. If I wanted that I'd be watching something other than a cute RomCom!! I wouldn't be happy if I paid $10 a head to see this in a theater, but as an available instant view on the web it's OK.I wonder if somebody like Russell Brand could have turned the budding groom into a crazier, more gonzo character, but I don't think that would have helped the movie much. For what it is it's OK.
KittyGrimm This is coming from someone who doesn't often watch romantic comedies. Often, romantic comedies involve the typical Jane Austen-like ending (meaning always the same), but for once, it's good to see even the smallest bit of change in the genre and the change in this particular romantic comedy–not that it changes all other clichés of the film–is that the protagonist is a man. Ollie is an Irish writer suffering from a five-year-old case of writer's block that has caused him all the trouble be can get and his troubles get worse when an old womanizing school mate of his asks him to be his best man at his wedding and Ollie finds himself falling painfully in love with the bride, Sarah. Though he tries to oppress his feelings and move on, his best friend Murray goes through the most insane schemes to bring Sarah and Ollie together.Typical? Yes. Predictable? Very. Climax? Corny as a cornfield. But I can't deny that I did enjoy watching this film, even if it did mean I would have to wash the girly side off of me for a week. I must admit, I only wanted to see this because I've always had quite the crush on Stuart Townsend and I thought seeing him as a dork would be enjoyable, because what kind of girl can resist a guy who can laugh at himself? Naturally, I had to adore him as a lovable loser and I thought he was very enjoyable to watch. Of course, I cannot forget his chemistry with Seth Green, who is absolutely hilarious as the best friend, who, I have to say, was one clever son of a gun! The way his insane antics worked was both hilarious and intriguing at the same time and clearly, though he isn't even British, Green has done his homework when it comes to British humor (I sensed quite a lot of Jeff Murdock of "Coupling" in his performance). Unfortunately, Amy Smart's performance was not at all remarkable. Her acting, if acting is what you want to call it, was very flat and her character also seemed just as such. To me, she seemed much like the kind of character who's only there to be the typical suffering love- interest without any quirk or edge whatsoever. Above all, I thought the film was very much flawed on the lines of its lack of an original plot line, but it was enjoyable to watch even if it was just for Townsend and Green, who were most definitely the highlights of the film. I give the film an eight for its quirks, but I won't praise it for the plot.
j-a-ireland-1 Unhitched ... unwatchable.Clichés; scenarios seemingly lifted almost directly from other films (The Graduate, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Bridget Jones Diary ... the list goes on.); sappy soundtrack. That the actors cannot be blamed is the best that can be said for this thing. It seems like they tried at least.Two "name" American actors no doubt were foisted on the production in a vain effort to make this derivative snore fest have even a wisp of a prayer at generating any interest in North America (video and cable only ... I cannot imagine this thing got theatrical release there ... but if it did I'd guess it disappeared fast!) and break even.One wonders if the editors knew what a t*rd they had on their hands when they were cutting this thing together, or whether they just hoped no one would notice that we've seen so much of this movie done elsewhere before ... and done better.Don't waste your time. I'm sorry I did. In fact, I'm going to stop writing now to stop the drain on my limited minutes in this li
fuente-2 It's a bit like Stefan Schwarz's earlier effort Shooting Fish, only this one's got Seth Green and a somewhat raunchier sense of humor. The sweetness of the romantic plot sits uncomfortably with Green's antics, and the script is just a mess. Olly's literary ambitions are proclaimed loudly at the beginning, but they don't show up again for ages. In fact, the beginning is just reams of exposition with nowhere to go. And there's only so much comedy to be squeezed out of a: an apartment in the red light district, b: a yuppie acting like a jerk, and c: a romantic lead who's a lovable klutz.A few of the jokes are good, though, but apart from that, the only redeeming feature of this film is its puzzling choice of occupation for its romantic heroine: She's one of those people that hands out questionnaires at the end of test screenings to gage audience reactions and see if they wouldn't want a cheeky orangutan added to the cast or whatever. One can't help wondering why this career was chosen for her: was it an attempt to get out of the preview process, a result of the preview process, an attempt to look good in comparison with the even more asinine film-within-the-film, or what?