Feeling Minnesota
Feeling Minnesota
R | 13 September 1996 (USA)
Feeling Minnesota Trailers

Sam Clayton's marriage to ex-stripper Freddie comes about when she's strong-armed into the match by Red, a club proprietor who once did her a favor. But Freddie falls in love with Jjaks, Sam's brother, and the pair tries to escape the situation together. It isn't long before both Sam and Red catch up with them, resulting in threats against the two of them -- although tension also starts to build between Sam and Red.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Micitype Pretty Good
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Hang_All_Drunkdrivers In a way it's like Laurel and Hardy in that the two main characters are a couple of idiots always fighting. Keanu Reeves and Vince D'Onofrio play two feuding brothers who want the same women. The women, played very sexily by Cameron Diaz, likes Reeves but is married to D'Onofrio and has eyes on his money.Some people get murdered but the show is really more of a comedy. The three leads do a great job as do the supporting actors like Dan Aykroyd and the always watchable Delroy Lindo. You think of Reeves as being a handsome guy but not here. With his awful hair style and drunk attitude, he's really got loser wrote all over him. Midway in the movie his character does something really clever when he wakes up and finds a dead body in his room and then gets a call saying the police are coming up to talk to him. But he finds a way to fool them.
smccahon J.J. Jameson (from Spiderman 2) Quote ... Crap, Crap, ...Mega-Crap It pretends to be an homage (un/intentional) to the Coen Brothers ... done poorly.There is no real mystery to the plot.Diaz's performance is totally uninspired.The quirky characters don't really work.There are a lot of "duh" moments.I love black comedy, but this film isn't funny.In my view, it wasn't worth the electricity.There are many films in this genre which are much more entertaining.I hope you find this review helpful.
valelton I want the 99 minutes of my life back that was wasted on this pathetic excuse for a movie. The acting was horrific! I used to be a fan of Cameron Diaz and Vincent D'Onofrio. I will never look at them the same again. Keanu Reeves and Dan Aykroyd were not a surprise. Everyone knows they never could act. Thankfully, only Dan attempted an accent. His accent was a disaster as expected. I think he was either confused about the location of the film or had never actually spoken to anyone from Minnesota. I hope this review helps anyone who is undecided about what to do with their precious time. The only reason I was able to sit through the whole movie was because I was stuck somewhere without anything better to watch or read.
Phantom Durham I loved this movie! Saw it with my grandma, but i kinda fell asleep halfway through. Hey it was on at like, midnight! It was the first time i saw Keanu Reeves, and i fell in love instantly. There's something about a guy with his looks and a makeshift bandage wrapped around his head, obviously in a bit of pain, that's appealing to me. Plus, he looked like he was agood kisser. I've looked for this movie forever after that, and I've FINALLY FOUND IT!!!!!! YAY!!!!! My mom freaked when she found out I watched that kind of movie, saying I was like 9, and she didn't know that I knew what sex was. I'm not stupid mother. So, years have passed, and i remain in love with K. R. Not even Elijiah Wood or Daniel Radcliff can climb to that high on the list. I read once that humans are attracted to negativity, and that was miserable enough. Great movie...I still enjoy movies where two men fight over a woman; Phantom of the Opera ( as mine name states my opinions on it )is a great example. Not so great in real life, though. My two exes blame me for getting them suspended. OK, got to go. Another reeves movie is on; The replacement. DROOL. I LOVE KEANU!!!