The Duchess
The Duchess
PG-13 | 19 September 2008 (USA)
The Duchess Trailers

A chronicle of the life of 18th century aristocrat Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, who was reviled for her extravagant political and personal life.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
leplatypus To resume, Keira plays the free-spirited wife of a royal and we should be moved by the injustices she endures ? Sorry but no way for me : for sure, as movies are done by privileged people, some of them can face hard times and maybe that class is interested and praises such movie ! but myself, as a worker and a citizen in a so-called democracy, i just don't give a s...t to the cries of the upper class ! This movie has the value to get into splendid houses and manors to understand their way of life : they have so much rooms for free and servants, maids to answer all their needs while having an really easy idle life that really i just don't care if they are happy or not ! With such privileges, they should be helpful giving hands instead of hypocritical lessons givers ! So this movie really left me cold and i'm a bit tired to see Keira as an aristocrat crying in period movies. But at least, England knows how to look back at its past because in France, i don't see movies about that time !
Sushan Konar Britons might be sorely divided in their desire to be in or out, but there is one topic on which they are forever united - their passion, or rather their obsession with their Royalty. Here's one small indicator. When we rented an apartment in Cambridge, one of the first tasks we had to undertake was to move the huge volume of our landlady's book collection to the garage. More than half of those garage full of books dealt with the Royal family!Of course, the most obsessed over member of that family is undoubtedly Princess Diana. A film, based on the life of her great-great...aunt the Duchess of Devonshire which had an uncanny similarity with Lady D's own life, is bound to generate a lot of interest. Apparently, the trailer of this 2008 movie even used a couple of Lady D shots to ensure that.However, for folks outside the orbit of that royal obsession, this is basically about the life of an aristocratic woman trapped in the social mores of her time, despite all the worldly privileges that came with her rank and status. Unfortunately, the movie could not rise above its curiosity value (even while giving us an excellent glimpse into the English aristocratic life in the eighteenth century) as the events, instead of flowing smoothly, had somewhat of a jerky feel. As if we are given a lesson in history, above all.Keira Knightly, as expected, is a natural in the role of an old-world English Duchess. But Ralph Fiennes is totally wasted in the role of the Duke of Devonshire. Watching this, I wouldn't have believed him emerging with that commanding presence of M in Spectre a few years down the line.
zhongzl-kelley2014 Frankly, I think this movie is all about women suffrage. Georgiana is depicted as a victim of the old time's order, and a martyr that sacrifice her love and happiness to defend her children. This movie originates from a very touchy story, in which one of the participants was the prime minister of England, and I think the director and storyboarding people are not doing everything they can to present it.First of all, Dominic Cooper is hideous-looking. His being an actor is a very encouraging example for young people, telling them that being an actor has nothing to do with one's appearance. His presence sure bereaves the movie of any romantic air it can possibly have. That is why I watched the movie with wistful agony.Good movies convey emotions through the way they shoot them. But I can not detect such techniques in this movie. The camera work was the most tedious and uncreative I've seen in years, therefore when Charles Grey dashed into the house and demanded for Georgiana to elope with him, I felt nothing but pathetic.Elizabeth's actor is that of Agent Carter, whom I admire ardently. Therefore I would love to give them an extra point for her.If it weren't for Keira Knightly's exceeding acting, this movie would've got a 3. I would really call consumer service for its wasting 2 hours of my youth, but I can't since I watched it for free.
simonvanrooij70 Such a shame that they used Kiera Knightly for this role. She is totally unconvincing. She walks around with that annoying trademark of her; like some brainless spice girl with too much amphetamine and happy pills in her stomach. She always has that particular smile which adds nothing to her character. Well, it adds to her own character and that seems pretty consistent. Like some other reviewer wrote: she has no sex appeal. She looks like an lab experiment of an attempt to combine a male / female gender appearance. I cannot think of an reason why she is such a popular actress. She always has the same approach of the character. And with this English costume drama, with a great cast, she was the weakest link. I can understand if Ralph Fiennes had great difficulties with the performance level of Mrs. Knightly. Who wouldn't? I think that the producers should be ashamed of this movie.