PG-13 | 19 June 2015 (USA)
Manglehorn Trailers

AJ Manglehorn is an aging, ordinary guy in a small town. He nurses his sick cat, squeezes out a conversation with the local bank teller every Friday, and eats at the same place every day. But there is more to Manglehorn than meets the eye: he’s an ex-con who, 40 years ago, gave up the woman of his dreams for a big ‘job’. After a dramatic effort to start over, Manglehorn faces a terrifying moment and is unmasked as a guy with a very, very dark past.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
moonspinner55 Al Pacino plays an elderly locksmith in a small Texas town, living alone with his sick cat and writing romantic letters to a loved one he lost years ago, who begins a new friendship with bank teller Holly Hunter. Jittery, downbeat, occasionally somewhat surreal character portrait begins interestingly enough, but soon drops the ball. Director David Gordon Green and screenwriter Paul Brad Logan don't give the protagonist enough to do; he gambles, he works, he eats alone (where the other restaurant patrons appear to stare at him), he visits his wealthy "son of a prick" son...all the while the camera circling him, questioningly (the camera-work is busier than he is). As Manglehorn the locksmith, Pacino fills the bill, though at times he appears to have question marks on his face that show either an apprehension of the material or a lack of faith in it. *1/2 from ****
LeonLouisRicci Eccentric Indie Director Green along with two Superb Actors, Al Pacino and Holly Hunter, deliver an almost Lost Art, the Character Study. Left to Low-Budget experimenters and Performers looking for an outlet Out of the Mainstream, this type of Film is becoming "Film Festival Fodder" and that is where the Genre finds the most Sympathetic Audience.Not Multiplex favorites and Mainstream Appeal is Lacking, it is this type that Rely on Reality and have been called "Slice of Life". The Film is filled with Offbeat Imagery and Dialog that seems Flat at First but Resonates nonetheless. Witness Manglehorn's Story about a Nun and some Children on a boat to explain His Atheism.Holly Hunter is simply Stellar in what amounts to a Supporting Role and Her Emotion is Heartbreaking and very Real. Two other People in Manglehorn's Life are included as Representative of why Pacino says in a half-hearted Throwaway Throwback Touchtone..."The World is Yours" (meaning I want nothing to do with it) His Son and a former Kid He coached in Little League. Both are Obnoxious and Manglehorn finds Them Barely Tolerable and Symbolic of People in General. That may be why when Holly Hunter says on Their First Date..."I'm a people person...I love life", Pacino Snaps and regresses to a Senior Moment of Disconnect.Overall, a Film for Refined Taste and Fans of Reality based Cinema with an Artistic Flare. Pacino and Hunter give Noteworthy Performances and the Movie is Rich with flavor.
leonblackwood Review: What an awful movie! It's really boring from the beginning to the end and I found Al Pacino's character quite depressing. I didn't really get the point of the storyline because it didn't go anywhere and the ending didn't make any sense to me. Anyway, Al Pacino plays Manglehorn whose a mobile locksmith with a cat as his only companion. He constantly writes letters to the love of his life, who left him years ago and he has a rocky relationship with his son who turns to him for money after he comes under investigation for tampering with investments. Manglehorn gets a hefty bill for an operation that was performed on his cat who ate one of his keys, so he's unable to help his son which doesn't help there distant relationship. The only joy in Manglehorn life is a woman at the bank called Dawn (Holly Hunter), who he eventually plucks up the courage to ask her out. She soon falls for his dry humour but he still has his ex on his mind and it puts a strain on there relationship. All of the letters that he sent to his ex are returned to his address and he eventually gets fed up with trying to rekindle a relationship with her. After burning all of the letters, he tries to get back with Dawn but she is really upset with the way that he treated her. That's about it! No major twists or anything exciting! There are some unexplained scenes like the bees in the mailbox, the random car crash and the miming character, so the sketchy script really didn't help matters. Pacino's average acting seemed very one toned and his character was more of an miserable old git than a interesting, happy go lucky fellow. I basically couldn't stand the movie and I got fed up with watching Manglehorn going through life without a hope of happiness or joy. My hopes of Pacino getting back to top form are really running thin and he seems to be picking awful roles that are not doing his career any good. Boring and quite depressing!Round-Up: What has happened to Pacino's career? Whenever I used to ask people who they favourite actors were, they would always say Pacino and DeNiro but they both haven't made a decent film for ages. At 75 years old, Alfredo James Pacino has had a roller-coaster career but he has always been highly respected in Hollywood and movie goers around the world. After the appalling FrapaCino rap in Jack & Jill with Adam Sandler, his career has gone completely downhill but he has some impressive movies coming up, which include the Irishman starring Robert DeNiro and directed by Martin Scorsese, Marco Polo with the Rock, Beyond Deceit with Anthony Hopkins and the Trap with Robert Pattinson, James Franco and Benicio Del Toro. Hopefully, these movies will bring him back into the spotlight and earn him the respect that he has been missing for some time. Anyway, this movie was directed by David Gordon Green who also brought you movies like All the Real Girls, Underflow, Snow Angels, Pineapple Express, Your Highness, the Sitter, Prince Avalanche and Joe starring Nicolas Cage. For someone that has covered a wide range of genres, he really did make a mess of this movie and he didn't take advantage of the great cast. With 6 movies in the pipeline including the Innocent Man with George Clooney and Stronger with Jake Gyllenhaal, he should put this terrible movie behind him and put it down as a bad day at the office.Budget: $4million Worldwide Gross: $132,000 (Terrible)I recommend this movie to people who are into their dramatic movies starring Al Pacino, Holly Hunter and Chris Messina. 2/10
andreiafs Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. Try a different movie.Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...reallyTerrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really. . Terrible movie, no story, stupid lines, don't even wast your time...really.