R | 23 September 2011 (USA)
Puncture Trailers

A lawyer who is a drug addict fights a medical-supplies corporation in court while battling his personal demons.

Alicia I love this movie so much
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Mr. Jones I admit the true story behind "Puncture" is compelling. However, there's not much here that raises this film above any other typical courtroom drama. The acting is fine and the writing is OK, but movie is not intellectually stimulating. It's just an admirable film about a maddening character and a hugely unjust medical system that leaves its own puncture wounds. There's even something of a surprise ending, but again it doesn't elevate to authentic plateau of significance. Film lacks more depth, but it moves and produces a nicely alluring. Those with a taste for these kind of flicks or fans of Evans (Brett Cullen also was wonderful as palpably oily corporate lawyer on the other side of legal case) will enjoy this one, others ..who knows. Rating: 7-/6+ ('cos I like these kind of flicks)
Reno Rangan The movie was based on the true story of something we are unfamiliar with. Mike Weiss was real, it was his story, a lawyer who was a lazy, stupid, drug and sex addict. He fought for the revolution in a medical instrument to protect from most dangerous diseases from back in 90s.Yes the movie was good but little depressing due to the Weiss' attitude towards his case because of his playboy quality. The movie had no entertainment elements, it was fully plain as some pure drama. As I said not a bad movie, deserves a watch and you will come to know something you never knew (I just guess). That's called learning the truth and knowing the revolution like the movies 'The aviator', 'Flash of genius', 'Social network' etc.
phd_travel This is an "Erin Brokovich"/"A Civil Action" type little lawyer going up against big bad corporation true story. It's affecting because it deals with such a shocking matter. The background is that certain corporate interests were preventing safer needles being used resulting in many serious infections to health care providers from hepatitis to aids.Chris Evans as one of the crusading lawyers shows he can act more than a superhero. But the movie shows a bit too much of the drug dependency. A huge lesson: remember to make sure your doctor or hospital uses safe syringes! Would have liked to see a little more about how the industry was brought to change after the case.
Mere Humsafar Movies based on true stories can sometimes be dull and dragging, unless they are well-directed and this one is more than well-made.. the first hour which goes into building of the story is slightly slow-paced.But as the story unfolds, we come face to face the complicated deceit at mega-corporate levels - This movie shows how some of the large health service manufacturers stonewall any change affecting their profits - even if a million lives could be saved, dangerous diseases like AIDS and Hepatitis C could be reduced.. financial power, legal manipulation and finally criminal intentions..Performance of Chris Evans both as a young righteous lawyer and also as a drug addict is authentic..and Brett Cullen as the suave high-profile lawyer is effective..The movie at some level moves in the lines of "Erin Brokovich" another very good true-story-movie dealing the corporates, legal profession, health hazards and the strength of purpose