| 29 September 2017 (USA)
Apostasy Trailers

A faithful Jehovah's Witness is forced to shun her own sister because of a religious transgression. As the separation draws out, she starts to question the meaning of God's love.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
chaboldayh I'd like to say first, if you haven't watched the movie, I do think reading the spoilers would spoil it for you, so maybe pass on that review. So I came to this film after a long time researching what I would watch that night. When I found this title, I wasn't expecting much else than the "predictable route" movies about leaving a religion often chose to follow. Not something bad, but the typical story of movies about this subject, much like in the dystopian movies where the character is first exposed to the reason why this is a dystopia, then chooses to fight, then joins the revolution, etc, etc. Doesn't make the story bad, it just makes it predictable. But this movie went to places I just didn't imagine. The story isn't of a character who slowly comes to the realisation that something is wrong - then quits - then, freedom and consequences. No, no. We actually follow three main characters: a daughter, her sister, and their mother. We leave our first character when she dies after refusing blood transfusion, and then we slowly comes to the realisation that she's gone as we now follow her grieving mother. The character who decides to leave the cult, the older sister, isn't the only one which the story is about, and actually appeared to me almost as a secondary character here. What we follow is rather those who stay, those who can't get away from the cult. And through their experiences, and a very interesting direction, we get to experience this life, as if in a bubble. To me, someone who's never been involved with anything or anyone related to this cult, this felt as if being into another world. Being trapped. All of those grey lights, those curtains on the windows, those spaces which do not seem to belong in the same society I live in. And here we see lives we could see change, we could see leaving, because of the pain they experience. We see the doubt, the hesitation, the desire to leave. But those two, they do not. They stay in. They stay imprisoned, in a way. Well, this is what I felt. So the apostasy is, somewhat, secondary: it provokes the story, it moves the minds of those thow characters, but, eventually, it doesn't, and I think it's what it's also about. They aren't chained, there is no bars between them and the world, but they are trapped, it's as if they do not have any other choice. The images, the music, the acting, everything was great and I loved this movie despite not knowing about the Jehova's Witnesses very well. I think this movie brings questions about freedom that can be interesting to anyone.
sirat-202-178299 Surely the two most fundamental things that a film needs are good acting and a good script. This one had neither. I have no ideological ax to grind, I have no religious beliefs but am interested in religion as a phenomenon. Nobody in this piece came across as sincere or passionate. Blank expressions were the order of the day, and all opportunities for real drama were thrown away. They managed to make potentially promising material simply boring. I couldn't believe in any of the characters or the story itself. All the film managed to achieve was to make the JW cult appear dangerous and ridiculous, which is pretty easy to do. One to avoid in my opinion. See 'First Reformed' instead.
gt_wog As a Witness that was shunned for saving my little boys life after giving him blood, this movie hit home hard for me. Its excellent and life like portrayal of life as Jehovahs Witness was difficult to get through as it confronts the person I used to be. Im happy i left this life behind, but it still haunts me. This movie is a must see for any ex JW or anyone studying with them. And as you can see, the comments left by the Jehovahs Witnesses here, the cognitive dissonance is so very strong. Just like the mother in this movie, they are blinded by the doctrines in this cult. GO SEE THIS MOVIE.
lauraphilomenascanlon I saw this movie recently with a friend. It's power lies in its realism. It gives us a glimpse into a very secretive process (JW judicial hearing) and shows us just how strange the JW world is - a world dominated by hierarchies of men. Woman in the JW world are second-class citizens. This movie doesn't mean to be dark but it is and I loved it!!!