Tower Heist
Tower Heist
PG-13 | 04 November 2011 (USA)
Tower Heist Trailers

A luxury condo manager leads a staff of workers to seek payback on the Wall Street swindler who defrauded them. With only days until the billionaire gets away with the perfect crime, the unlikely crew of amateur thieves enlists the help of petty crook Slide to steal the $20 million they’re sure is hidden in the penthouse.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
jesswant 5 mins ago i didn't have a imbd account. I only made one to say this is just ya average Ben stiller film, nothing more, nothing less. -jess.
Adam Peters (60%) Very much a Brett Ratner movie which is both a good and a not so good thing. Good in that the guy does at least know the nuts and bolts of how to direct, and for a simple movie such as this non-fussy, yet solid direction is perfectly fine. Also the movie is fun and entertaining to watch even when there isn't really a whole lot going on. The not so good comes from the script needing a couple of extra re- writes to tighten it up a little because there are a couple of scenes that don't really have any pay-off (when the crew are on the roof after Eddie Murphy locks them out is in particular a sign that more work was needed), and just a few extra laughs would have made this a much stronger film overall. It's good to see Murphy in something decent, even if he his underused somewhat, but Stiller is such a strait man in this that he hardly registers as a comedic character at all. Overall an enjoyable little watch that has catch if you can all over it.
beresfordjd I am 20 minutes into this movie and it has passed the 20 min test. I usually loathe Ben Stiller in anything but he is watchable in this.I think he is much better as a quasi serious actor than a comic one - there is something unlikable about him in out and out comic parts. I expect the movie to be OK because Alan Alda is in it and he rarely does rubbish movies. Eddie Murphy, too , is one of my least favourite movie stars - I still have not forgiven Coming to America! Tower Heist promises to be a lightweight but enjoyable caper movie. One of my favourite genres, let's hope that it lives up to its promise. I recorded it just to see how awful it was and up to now it has proved to be anything but. It is always a pleasant surprise when something you expect to hate turns out to be entertaining.
FilmBuff1994 Tower Heist is a great movie with a well written storyline with a great comedic cast.I was certainly disappointed by this movie,it teams up two comedy actors who I am huge fans of,Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy,and on top of that it also stars Matthew Broderick and Casey Affleck,and while it is an enjoyable movie,I gave my hopes up on this being an outstanding comedy,because I expecting nothing more with a comedy cast like this,also it was Murphy's first adult comedy on years.It still is a really good comedy however,and the best performance certainly has to be Eddie Murphy,it was a great comeback to characters like his Trading Places and Beverly Hills Cop characters,the much better and way funnier Murphy that I really missed,and this movie is certainly much better than the movies he's done in recent years (Meet Dave,Norbit,etc.) and I hope he realises after doing this film that these comedy suit him much more than family friendly ones.Tower Heist is a very enjoyable comedy that I would recommend to all fans of comedy,Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller.After a group of men discover they have fallen in to a Ponzi scheme,they hire a professional thief to help them break in to his residence at the top of a tower.Best Performance: Eddie Murphy