Quick Change
Quick Change
R | 13 July 1990 (USA)
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With the aid of his girlfriend, Phyllis Potter, and best friend, Loomis, Grimm enters a Manhattan bank dressed as a clown, creates a hostage situation and executes a flawless robbery. The only thing left for the trio to do is make their getaway out of the city and to the airport. It sounds simple enough, but it seems that fate deserts them immediately after the bank heist. One mishap after another conspires to keep these robbers from reaching freedom.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
tiagoabreu2007 Quick Change was an awesome movie. Very funny and the bank robbery scene at the beginning is actually good enough to be in a great heist movie. I loved this one!
Sean Lamberger Bill Murray stars and directs in this inoffensive, lightweight black comedy about a band of would-be bank robbers caught in the middle of a rapidly unfurling master plan. The plot is typically loose, silly and predictable, a narrow-sighted exercise on the same level as Mr. Mom or Stir Crazy, but still manages to slip in a few biting observations about the period's culture... most of which are validated by Murray's deliciously sardonic delivery. Costars Geena Davis and Randy Quaid are often just along for the ride, though, delivering bad lines with all the subtlety of a brick to the face, and nobody ever seems to take their predicament terribly seriously. Practically bad but inexplicably charming, like many of its genre-mates from the late '80s, it's good for a few shockingly large laughs but wilts under closer examination.
Film Watchin Fool Watch this if....you are a fan of Bill Murray in the 80's and 90's. To me that was his prime, although some will disagree with me, but this falls in line with his work during those decades.Acting/Casting: 6.5* - Bill Murray does a really nice job in the lead role and Geena Davis is solid as the lead female. Randy Quaid is bit exhausting at times, but plays the part well enough. I'm not sure he will ever remotely live up to his peak as cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation.Directing/Cinematography/Technical: 6.5* - The movie has a nice flow to it and manages to keep you entertained. It has a very authentic feel of New York to it and I liked the way the story was told. There is some laugh out load moments as well and the directing is well done.Plot/Characters: 6* - Three bank robbers must find their way out of New York before the authorities catch up with them, which proves to be much more difficult than they expected. I thought the first hour of the film was very good, but thought the last 30 minutes dragged a bit, but overall it was a good premise.Entertainment Value: 6* - This is a very solid comedy and was a fun watch. Again, I really like Bill Murray in the 80's and 90's and this movie fits that mold.My Score: 6.5+6.5+6+6 = 25/4 = 6.25 Email your thoughts to filmwatchinfool@gmail.com
Ed Miseta Without question one of my all-time favorite comedies. Bill Murray, via this movie, Groundhog Day, The Man Who Knew Too Little, Scrooged, and his superb work on SNL, is one of the best comedic actors of all time. It's unfortunate that the film he got the most attention for was The Life Aquatic, which I didn't enjoy at all). This film allows him to show how great he really is. Murry, Davis and Quaid pull off a brilliant bank robbery, then need to get out of New York City, and this is where the fun begins. Stymied at every turn, the exit from the city turns into a comedy of errors made even better by the brilliant casting of Jason Robards as the detective on their tail and Tony Shalhoub as a cabbie who speaks no English. I have seen the movie a dozen times and still laugh throughout it. The scene in the grocery store and the mob scenes are classic. A hilarious movie for all to enjoy, although it does have some harsh language. If you enjoy this, watch Groundhog Day and Ruthless People as well.