R | 12 March 2004 (USA)
Spartan Trailers

U.S. government agent Scott is assigned to rescue the daughter of a high-ranking government official. As willing as he is to bend the rules to get things done, though, Scott is shocked to find that others are willing to go even further to protect a political career.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
toddxdavis Sorry Ed, you cannot pull off the tough guy any longer. Sorry Val, you have no edge. Two actors I typically like and give wide latitude to for their bad choices in their work, we all need to make money so on occasion they can slip.The movie has a very weak premise, is pulled together hoping the consumer is not paying attention, and delivers a minimal performance.I want my time back. I could have napped, exercised, or even played Pac Man (retro pun for retro actors) and received more for my entertainment time
felix-wyderka "Spartan" is a brilliant thriller that unfolds more and as it goes on. It peels off the layers like and onion and there is always another surprise around the corner. The writer doesn't feel the need to introduce the characters and jumps right into action and that is a refreshing change. The dialogue is very well thought out and more extensive than the usual one liners that is what makes this thriller so unique. The absence of catchphrases or worn out lines makes the dialogue and atmosphere feel more tens and perfectly fits the movies overall theme. Val Kilmer shows one of the best performances of his career a total bad-ass. Macy and Bell also deliver solid performances. The directing is very good and is different than in other thrillers. Rather than trying to lay focus on the characters Mamet lays focus on the plot and lets the actors do their thing which helps the plot unfold so much better and the characters to bloom. He does this with great camera work. There are some great long shots that just raise the tension and excitement. There are also many hidden details in this movie that can give the viewer a clue about the proceedings in the story and pull the viewer even more into the story. In conclusion we can say that we have a very unconventional yet brilliant thriller that excites from start to end and makes the viewer feel at home.
grantss A Secret Service agent is investigating the kidnapping of the daughter of a senior politician. His investigations uncover a human trafficking operation.Sub-par. Plot is perplexing and often simply random. David Mamet tries to be too clever for his own, and our, good. Dialogue is all over the place, and often quite hammy.Val Kilmer does his best James Bond / Mission Impossible routine, but doesn't pull it off completely. Just not overly convincing. Bizarre dialogue doesn't help. Supporting cast are good, especially Derek Luke and Ed O'Neill.
artpf Maverick Ranger Scott, known for ruthless, unorthodox methods but good results, is called in to help the secret service after Washington big whig's brat daughter is abducted while studying at Harvard. Scott quickly realizes the protection detail's prime suspect, her boyfriend Michael Blake, is innocent and dumped her for being a drug- addicted slut. Next he traces her to a bordello, only to realize the captors didn't realize who she is but simply recruited her for the Middle Eastern white slavery market, and are likely to dispose of her rather than confront her father. But instead of the support expected in such high-profile case, Scott gets orders to work in secret before the press catches on, and even finds his quest sabotaged. Mamet all the way. Dialog, story-line, but it's also a wee bit different than most Mamet work!It's a really tight story, well acted and keeps you on your toes. Well done. A twisty turny masterpiece.