Undercover Blues
Undercover Blues
PG-13 | 10 September 1993 (USA)
Undercover Blues Trailers

When fun-loving American agents Jeff and Jane Blue are called back from maternity leave for a special assignment in New Orleans, the spy parents decide to skip the sitter and give their bouncing baby girl the adventure of a lifetime.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
moonspinner55 Retired spy team, a loving married couple on leave with their newborn baby in the French Quarter, are lured back into the business with a top-secret assignment involving plastic explosives (so dangerous "the military won't even touch 'em!"). Unexciting, unfunny updating of "The Thin Man" and its ilk, a comedic crime-caper so hammy that almost every character--the villains in particular--become human cartoons. Dennis Quaid dispatches with two street thugs while holding his infant, but this kind of outlandish humor looks really out of place in a modern-day scenario. New Orleans has been made-over into some kind of fantasy free-for-all, one where anyone can crash a party or play games with the local law (made to look like incompetent boobs). Kathleen Turner, despite having to haul her kid around like a pet, gets by with her smoky register and guttural laugh, and she makes Dennis Quaid look like a wet upstart by comparison. Unsuccessful at the box-office, espionage comedies being out of fashion. *1/2 from ****
abaker-71419 OK, watch this movie more than twenty times and enjoy each time I watch it. But I notice the bag lady shown in three different area of N.O. during the shooting of the film. What is her part? Every time they show her I get loss. Do any one know what is it that she suppose to be or do? OK, watch this movie more than twenty times and enjoy each time I watch it. But I notice the bag lady shown in three different area of N.O. during the shooting of the film. What is her part? Every time they show her I get loss. Do any one know what is it that she suppose to be or do? OK, watch this movie more than twenty times and enjoy each time I watch it. But I notice the bag lady shown in three different area of N.O. during the shooting of the film. What is her part? Every time they show her I get loss. Do any one know what is it that she suppose to be or do? OK, watch this movie more than twenty times and enjoy each time I watch it. But I notice the bag lady shown in three different area of N.O. during the shooting of the film. What is her part? Every time they show her I get loss. Do any one know what is it that she suppose to be or do?
disdressed12 if there is ever movie that is underrated and unappreciated,it's this one.basically,it's about a retired husband and wife spy team,who take a vacation in New Orleans with their baby girl.what should be a relaxing time,is anything but.Jane(Kathleen Turner)and Jeff(Denis Quaid)soon find themselves the target of muggers,and being harassed by the local police.what's worse is their boss enters the picture and pleads with them to do one more job for the FBI.of Jane and Jeff just want time to relax and have time to themselves.Stanley Tuuci is hysterical as a hapless,incompetent mugger who tussles with both Jane and Jeff and=d always ends up on the losing end.the dialogue is simply brilliant in this movie.the banter between Jane and Jeff when they should be in danger(but never are)is priceless.no matter what happens,both never lose their cool,and never miss a beat.they are simply unflappable.of course the fact that they never takes themselves seriously make things even funnier.in fact,the movie does not take itself seriously at all which is its appeal.despite its light hearted approach to things,this movie succeeds on all levels.credit that to the performances of Turner,Quaid,Tucci,and the rest of the supporting cast.there's no way i could give "Undercover Blues" any less than 10/10
maybunch@yahoo.com This movie is hilarious! It isn't dumb humor like several movies. It is so funny that I'm laughing just thinking about the scenes. This movie is a #10 and don't let the rating fool you! Anyone giving this lower than a 9 isn't a comedy fan at all! Give it a chance!!!!The couple is fun and such a match. The laughter comes at the most unexpected moments.I loved the New Orleans scenery, along with the music. The actors/actresses were wonderful! They have great chemistry and Morty makes the movie! Surprises at every corner, also! There's romance, mystery, comedy, and action!