For a Good Time, Call...
For a Good Time, Call...
R | 31 August 2012 (USA)
For a Good Time, Call... Trailers

College "frenemies" Lauren and Katie move in together after losing a relationship and rent control, respectively. Sharing Katie's late grandmother's apartment in New York City, the girls bicker with each other until one fateful night, when Katie's noisy bedroom activities make Lauren barge in and discover a dirty little secret. This revelation brings them closer together, and Lauren (the brains) and Katie (the talent) concoct a wildly successful business venture. As profits swell, the girls reevaluate their hopes and dreams and realize that just because someone pees in your hair in college doesn't mean she won't be your best friend 10 years later.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Raul Faust "For a Good Time, Call..." has a story centered in the everyday of two young girls whose lives are filled with pornography and men, mainly due to the fact that the girls charge them boys for telephone sex. The film becomes funny once the shy female let herself loose and becomes being even more confident than her friend. Also, it's funny when both characters are normally lied down in the bed, doing customary things, while, in the phone, they're pretending to be "turned on", to say the least. It's important to notice that the main actresses are quite professional, since they're able to portray different feelings in characters that were supposed to be just crazy and nothing else. If filmmakers had a higher budget, I'm positive this film would've be relatively known... or maybe they would've just destroyed the amateurish story we have seen. Either way, albeit "For a Good Time, Call..." isn't a flick to change people's minds or to teach something new, it's a good entertainment without moral lessons, being surely recommended to teenagers and young adults. I had a great time!
Ck dexterhaven Lauren (Lauren Miller) and Katie Steele (Ari Graynor) both need a roommate. Lauren just broke up with her boyfriend, Charlie (James Wolk) and Katie is behind on the rent. They are introduced by a mutual friend, Jesse (Justin Long) and just like that Lauren and Katie remember they hated each other in college. Realizing they have no alternatives for living in such a nice apartment the two enemies move in together and patch up their differences. Soon after they move in, Lauren loses her job, and Katie shares a little secret, she's an operator on a phone sex line. With job prospects not looking so good, Lauren becomes a call screener for Katie and they start their own phone sex line called 1-800-MMM-HMM. The phone sex line is so successful that they hire another talker named Krissy (Sugar Lynn Beard) but Krissy is a fundamentalist Christian, more interested in saving souls than talking dirty. With nowhere else to turn Katie asks Lauren to join her as on air talent? What does Lauren do? When Lauren gets a legitimate job offer at a publishing firm, and her ex asks her to come back, does she leave her new BFF Katie in the dust? I like this movie, but it's a qualified like. It made me laugh, especially Justin Long's character. There is also a very funny cameo by Seth Rogan, that I was not expecting. I don't like how they seemingly had to choose phone sex operator as a profession, Hollywood has this fixation of making all women either prostitutes, and now a step up from prostitutes, phone sex operators. Where is the phone sex operator booth on career day? Don't go looking for it ladies, as much as Hollywood wants you to do it, don't be tempted. I was also put off by yet another portrayal of a Christian as a Bible thumping fundamentalist. To Hollywood Christians are basically one joke characters. And finally, this movie makes a mistake that many comedies make, it tries to get serious, and that's when Katie, loses all her edge and becomes a conventional, even hackneyed character. The ending is muddled and meaningless, which added to my ambivalence about this movie, but Justin Long is consistently funny as the ubiquitous gay character, Seth Rogan is funny in his cameo, and the banter between Miller and Graynor is pretty good for the first half of the movie, but falters. The pacing is slow, for a 90 minute movie, it seems much longer. This movie is not for kids, hence the R-rating. A well-deserved R for all the sex talk. There shouldn't have been so much, and it wasn't even the funniest part of the movie. For a good Time Call or more accurately…for half a good time watch.
Jennifer Clapton Contains SPOILERS: The blonde is totally vindictive and a brat and hated the brunette for no reason. She urinated in the brunette's car so the brunette kicked her out in a bad neighborhood. Uhhh, yeah, I would have done worse if some drunk fool did that in my new car. I would have been po'd, shoved her out of my car and would be tempted to strike her. I could see no reason for the blonde to hate her for that but whatever.Anyway, they become friends and business partners and so on and so on. Equally stupid is the blonde who is a very sexually open, flamboyant phone sex operator who ends up being a virgin (no offense to phone sex operators, I am one myself). A virgin? Uh...OK, LAME.Then that religious fanatic comes in undercover to apply for a job with the girls just to sabotage their business. Again, LAME.But it was fun for me to see the male callers that phoned in, LOL. Working in the industry myself, I got a laugh out of that, pretty accurate.
Jordan Hunt With a premise in a similar vein to 'Zack And Miri Make A Porno', which also starred a dim- witted Seth Rogen, 'For A Good Time, Call' is a crude, daring comedy that never crosses the line simply because it doesn't have one.Resorting to phone sex to help pay the bills in their city apartment, Lauren and Katie - two completely opposite personalities - bond despite a teenage feud still lingering. While Ari Graynor has the better role to play, Lauren Miller manages to prove she shares a sense of lowbrow humour with her husband (Rogen), who cameos in one of the film's most memorable scenes. Justin Long's flamboyant character is used to the right extent; the film never outstays its welcome in any aspect, its brisk running time only slowing for a more serious third act, a missed attempt at giving the film emotional weight where, given its no- holds barred hilarity, feels somewhat unnecessary.Refreshing and relevant, 'For A Good Time, Call' is a chick flick for both genders; a sugary depiction of sisterhood flirting with a risqué exploration of what men enjoy about it.