Take This Waltz
Take This Waltz
R | 25 May 2012 (USA)
Take This Waltz Trailers

Twenty-eight-year-old Margot is happily married to Lou, a good-natured cookbook author. But when Margot meets Daniel, a handsome artist who lives across the street, their mutual attraction is undeniable.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
sooftennegative I seem to recall joining IMDB ~2 years ago specifically to review this film. I never got around to it and this bit of a review will be only be a collection of thoughts and impressions that are left from that couple of hours a long while backI will state upfront that I identify with Lou (Seth Rogan) for reasons I will not get into and some of my opinions may be from an unavoidably screwed up POV. Still married for 37 years though.#1) In the early scene (which may have been the opening scene) where Margot (Michelle Williams) is looking into the oven in the position others have noted is the proverbial "sticking her head in the oven wanting to kill herself"position, a male walks in. The scene is a little blurry from sunlight coming through the window and he has his back to the camera. The scene is repeated near the end of the movie. It is not the same scene though. In the early scene he is wearing shorts. In the later scene he is wearing long pants. I believe we were supposed to assume the character was Lou in that early scene and understand Margot was dying to get out of the marriage to Lou. The truth seems to be that the whole rest of the movie was a flashback and that guy was Daniel (Luke Kirby) in both scenes. Margot was dying to get away from Daniel by that time. By backing up to both scenes I did decide neither kitchen was the one Lou is so often using in testing his chicken recipes. They were both Daniel's kitchen.#2) In the first roller coaster scene as she and Daniel are riding, there are exciting noises of people laughing and children screaming in fear. However when the ride is over and the camera pulls back, it is apparent they are nearly alone in a rather dark building (or tent) with no crowd at all. The excitement was in her head. In the later roller coaster scene, she is alone and manages to smile at some point and become happy again just being alone. I will not try to interpret beyond that.#3) In the swimming pool shower scene Margot and a group of young women are talking about starting something "new." A woman from a group of older ladies across the room speaks up quickly and announces that "What's new gets old." I think this may be the major moral of this story. Margot picked "new" boyfriend Daniel over "old" husband Lou, but that got old too.#4) In the scene where Margot is trash talking to Daniel about Lou as she and Daniel stroll down a sidewalk. She is complaining something about Lou filling the trash with rotten chicken, etc. That is probably a major scene for anyone who has ever been the "Lou" in a marriage and a barely noticeable scene for anyone who has not.#5) I realize the movie was mostly about Margot, but Lou could have used a little more screen time. He took it all just a little too well IMHO and Margot surely could have had another of her rather well performed "face of regret" scenes while seeing his pain.That's all. Well it was two years ago!
jleon25 Here we go again, just another cuckold movie about a idiot husband watching his neighbor basically "fill" his wife while he is oblivious to his short "cummings" and stands by letting whomever shows up on his wife.The single guy, whom the wife thinks is so hot, has no one else to hit on except his neighbor's wife. Both have no sense of moral decency. Is this what the entertainment world thinks of men? They are either, oversexed or, what's the word for a baby cat? The story line is stupid. Here is another marriage where the wife is looking elsewhere for her needs except at home with the man, "SHE" decided to marry. An unsatisfied woman of her own doing and the spineless husband just stands by like another cuckold.As the story is written. The husband deserves all the cheating she does. Just another arsed-wipe of a man that does not deserve to have been born. This moron just was born to push his woman into other men's arms and is great at it.If I have to list a great quality on the husband, it would be, his impeccable talent to push his wife in the bed of another man like a well-trained cuckold. Is this what is becoming of the western man? God help us! BTW, the wife true self comes out of her. She is basically a "SLUT", incognito. Goes on to shag two women, even two guys at once. I will admit, she deserved her ending with her new man, proving she was the problem.
Angel Youles The story follows Margot (Michelle Williams) who without doubt loves her husband, Lou (Seth Rogen), and has been married to him for years, one day she meets who turns out to be her new neighbour on a plane Daniel as she gets to know him more she cannot deny her feelings for him.The story focuses on the married couple's relationship and their attempts to reignite a lost spark between them. It's daring for the filmmaker to portray a story about infidelity in love. Many love films portray infidelity as something committed by the antagonist or villain of a film, yet this film seeks to, on a very human level, understand how this can happen in long loving relationships by inviting us into the mind and heart of Margot.A moment in the film that really resonated with me was when she was the most joyful and with Daniel, when they were on the fair ride with the song "Video Killed the Radio Star." By Buggles playing. It's the moment that the film invites the audience to see what's important as they can relate it to a previous sequence where she explains how much the song meant to her and her brother. This emphasized by the end sequence as the song is playing at the end, telling us how important Daniel is her happiness.It's a love story like no other, as it is about loving two people. There is an overall sadness about the marriage and that she wants it so much to work, yet she has love and desire for another man. The husband is portrayed as understanding to her by the end of the film as the have realized their unhappiness.It's a very powerful and enjoyable film that explores the nature of love and relationships.
nicolenicole-74901 I'm giving this movie a 6 because although I found it good and I appreciated the concept, the movie lacked in a few areas.I wish this movie would have touched more on Margot and Lou's marriage. Yes I understand they hit a tough spot in their relationship, but that wasn't really elaborated on. The only interaction we saw between Margot and Lou was how they playfully annoyed each other, but we never really got to see who they were as a couple.I enjoyed the scenes between Margot and Daniel, it really captured the lust between the two. Although it didn't really show them falling in love, it did show how instant attractions happen. I also enjoyed the scenes of once she got with Daniel, they had multiple threesomes. To me this was showing the 'excitement' that came with getting with Daniel and the lust that was surrounding that relationship. Once the lust faded, she was right back in the same spot as she once was with her ex husband Lou right before she left him.The film was good, I get the concept, to me this film can be interpreted in a few different ways. I interpreted as, although you may feel like you are in a 'tough' spot in your relationship that doesn't mean you should be so quick to dismiss your partner and succumb to temptation.