Remember the Daze
Remember the Daze
R | 11 April 2008 (USA)
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During the summer of 1999, a group of teenagers, through interconnected narratives, live through their last day of high school and prepare for the future. Holly, once the new girl in school, does whatever it takes to remain popular. Dawn, who is secretly a lesbian, battles drugs. Tori is the valedictorian of her class, but, on the eve of graduation, she decides to experiment with drugs for the first time.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Banterking625 I'm probably in the minority for saying this, but this movie sucks. The movie jumps from character to character and it gets confusing after a while. The cheerleader character seemed enjoyable in the beginning, but I started to hate her after she was so whiny about wanting to get wasted. The only reason I saw this movie is because Amber Heard is in it, but not even she could save this movie. Watching Never Back Down (another Amber Heard movie) will erase the torture I went through with watching this movie. This movie makes Can't Hardly Wait look like Avatar and I hate Can't Hardly Wait. I am baffled at all the positive reviews this movie has gotten. Don't let the skewed numbers fool you. Pass on this or you'll be in a "daze" after seeing this horrible movie!
mikes2001 I hate to sound like an old parent, which I am, but this movie is truly awful. You have 25 year olds playing 17 year olds and 20 year olds playing 14 year olds and every conversation deals with smoking weed or getting wasted. Is that by itself supposed to be funny? The movie is set in 1999, so maybe it is attempting to be a Dazed and Confused for the Millennium, but it's missing minor details like good acting or characters you could care about. Or dialogue other than "let's smoke some weed". It's not even a good T & A movie like an old 70's drive-in movie, as there's no T or A, which is a good thing as 18 year old Alexa Vega is playing a 14 year old!!! The only interest in this movie is seeing what young actors/actresses pop up ("There's Zero from Holes", "That's the guy from Joan of Arcadia", "That's the guy from What I Like About You"....) And when Moira Kelly appears you feel sorry for her. Moira - you deserve better!!! Maybe Alexa Vega wanted something that's a departure from Spy Kids, but this movie is a departure from any standards of filmaking. If I could give this a zero I'd do so, but 1 is as low as IMDb goes. I guess the 1 is for one scene in the middle where there's only music, and no dialogue.If the entire movie was only music maybe I'd give it a 5 as I wouldn't have to listen to the inane dialogue and I could just enjoy looking at Amber Heard and Katrina Begin and Melonie Diaz.
Natalia S.P.S I have to say, that when i started watching it, I was expecting a typical teenager film with a few laughs and meaningless ideas. However, i was completely surprised to find myself with a great cast with a lot of young upcoming actors and some new faces which i found were also good. The fact that this film is not centered only on one person's life and stories, but on a group of teenagers who are on the brink of becoming adults, is enthralling. It shows us how different groups, races and sexuality are not important in 1999, where drugs and alcohol are a big factor in teenager lives. Furthermore, i feel that, being a teenager myself, i can relate to the insecurities these teenagers feel and at the same time have a laugh at the film as it is kept pretty real. There really are some funny parts! This film takes in a lot of ideas and thoughts which can be reflected on. It is not just another teenager film. It is well written and well worth watching.
pat007-1 Remember the Daze is an authentic look at high school students on the brink of graduation. It reveals the trepidations and excitement that students feel at this very important juncture in their life. The middle class life style will connect to a large segment of the population, but some will see it as how the "rich" live, especially because they all seem to be driving cars. However, the class distinctions are minor in the film much as they were in "American Graffiti." One of the biggest differences in "Graffiti" was that the most daring thing a kid could do then was to get an adult to buy whiskey for him in a liquor store. Some parents may be shocked and horrified to see the promiscuous use of mind altering drugs. On the other hand, it might be healthy for them to get an authentic look at what's going on.