Boxing Helena
Boxing Helena
R | 03 September 1993 (USA)
Boxing Helena Trailers

A top surgeon is besotted with a beautiful woman who once rebuffed him. Unable to come to terms with life without her, he tries to convince her that they need each other. She has other ideas, but a horrific accident leaves her at his mercy.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
jmrecillas-83435 Boxing Helena is a poor made film that deserves all the critics that has been send to its credit, but its a decent debut by a 25th young Jennifer Lynch, specially if you consider she starts her career as film director and screen writer as someone who has explore fetichism and depravation on human relations and has achieved at least one masterpiece of suspense and horror on his 2012 film Chained, an impressive low budget film on bondage and crime.However, this is an acceptable debut on a very cliché story on which male voyeurism and fetichism developes not so bad, but not to make this a memorable film, except by the very kitsch use of Sadness by Enigma, and Woman in chains, by Tears for fears, to ilustrate the erotic desire of the male character of the film. This piece of industrial music-garbage make the highest point in the film and remember the crappy musical videos from the eighties that flooded TV screens back in the day, and some usual classical music to add better atmospheric mood than what msrs. Lynch useless tryes to build on tape, who tries to emulate his father, David, whom she has worked on Blue Velvet (1986), making some explorations on themes look alike his.The film is, in my opinion, a good first step of mrs. Lynch trying to make her way, and shows some good details that will be more professionally build up in future films. In that sense I think this is a film that deserves a better rating among movie lovers, and that's why I rate with a six, because its up average films of this type. More in addition to her credit is that she is 25 years old at the time she is filming her first movie, while her female star, Sherilyn Fenn, has 28.
Mr_Ectoplasma "Boxing Helena" follows a wealthy surgeon (Julian Sands) with mommy issues who saves his female neighbor, Helena, whom he's obsessed with, after she is hit by a car in front of his house. After amputating her legs, he goes a step further and turns her into a living Venus de Milo and holds her captive in his home.This film has a notoriously bad reputation, and my natural thought prior to seeing the film was "there's no way it's that bad." I was kind of wrong. It is pretty dreadful in a lot of ways. The film was directed by Jennifer Lynch, daughter of David Lynch, who wrote the script for the film when she was nineteen. It is not a bad concept by any means; it's a clear-cut meditation on obsession and power, with shades of Samuel Richardson's "Clarissa," as well as further commentary on male sexuality and the female body.It sounds fascinating, doesn't it? It unfortunately really isn't. The problem with the film lay wholly in its execution, which is amateurish, Lifetime TV-movie-of-the-week status, even by early '90s standards. Unbelievable dialogue doesn't help matters, and the film plods for much of its duration, lacking the sufficient writing necessary to really carry it. The actors here try their best, but even in spite of decent performances, they mostly become voiceboxes that showcase the script's weakness. Julian Sands and Sherilyn Fenn are both great actors and actually have some chemistry on screen, but again, the dialogue renders their performances mostly unconvincing. Bill Paxton, Kurtwood Smith, and Art Garfunkel are also along for the ride here in supporting roles which, again (mainly in Paxton's case), are melodramatic and really shed further light on the weakness of the script.The film wraps itself up just as uneventfully as it opens, and left me feeling like I'd just witnessed a massive lost opportunity; a solid concept spoiled by feigned pathos, weak dialogue, and amateurish cinematography. Sands and Fenn are the highlights here, but even they can only do so much. It's worth watching for the camp factor, which is where the film has ultimately found an audience. 4/10.
bethoham This movie is undeniably, irrefutably awful - And entirely worth seeing. If you ever wondered what it would be like if David Lynch were a 19-year-old girl...well, here it is folks. The premise is uncomfortable, the symbolism and themes are overdone and cliché, The dialog and characters are exquisitely awkward and bizarre. For instance, Julian Sands is British. Why does his British accent sound fake and forced? why does he HAVE a British accent, when his character is American, his parents are American, and he apparently grew up in America!? WHY IS HIS HAIRCUT SO BAD?!? Why is everyone acting normally at a high-class party, then suddenly the title character is mostly naked in a fountain? Does Dr. Cavanaugh have an oedipal complex, or a sexual fixation on the Venus DeMilo, or both? Just when you think it cant get any more awkward, Red Foreman and Art Garfunkel show up. Don't forget the awesome fashion of the early 90's. The ending is an utter disappointment, a result of lazy writing, but still i'm glad this movie exists. Unintentionally Hilarious gems like this are hard to come by.
Martin Onassis When I saw Boxing Helena, I was young but pretty jaded to motion pictures. I was in a for the shock and ride of my life. Now that I read it was directed by David Lynch's daughter, it doesn't surprise me. I wont belabor the plot or details of the movie, but I will say that as a young man who was pursuing and dating lots of women, this movie really made me think about the vulnerability of even super attractive women, and about what happens when men put no constraints on their desire to chase or own a woman. The fact that it delivered that message in a totally original and effective fashion makes it a top-shelf film in my mind.I will say that I told a few women I thought it was a great film and they were disgusted by it. Too many people took this film far too literally, even though it wasn't literal even within the plot. I actually think it assaults our construction of goddesses in the media at such a root foundation that it's actually a very insurgent, anti-establishment film. It really attacks a materialism associated with the pursuit and existence of beautiful people.It's definitely a thinker's picture. It's a perfect use of film, portraying something you don't want to see in real life to illustrate a point. It's also brilliantly shot and acted. Make up you own mind. There's no other film like it.