Battlestar Galactica: The Plan
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan
NR | 27 October 2009 (USA)
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan Trailers

When the initial Cylon attack against the Twelve Colonies fails to achieve complete extermination of human life as planned, twin Number Ones (Cavils) embedded on Galactica and Caprica must improvise to destroy the human survivors.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
tomasajdari So.... apparently there was no plan, the final 5 and many copies of Cylon agents ended up in the fleet due to "bad luck", a 1:10^70 chance or worse (How/why the hell he planted 3 copies of no. 6 into the human population when the mission of Caprica 6 was that important is beyond me.. and 2 copies of no. 6 on Galactica? Do the humans have eyes?). Brother Cavil can take Elen from the planet via a raptor into the fleet but can not shoot her or bring biological weapons in teeth/clothes there because reasons... or nukes... you know.. fake colonial raptors....(and look at the miniseries - now we know that he had real time picture of the colonial solar he allowed the fleet to form and forgot about doing that in a minute....+ Ragnar....or ... oh yes, coincidence) He can orchestrate the downfall of an entire civilization, has an armada so strong that it can kill and cremate 50 billion people in a day but he can't manage basic things. Unbelievable. In the end.. wait for it... God did it all.
U.N. Owen BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: THE PLAN I'm writing this 3 years after THE PLAN was initially broadcast, and, after I'd seen it that 1st time.At the time, I was disappointed. I'd thought it a slap-dash, put-together version of BSG from the Cylon POV.I'm seeing it now, and, this time, I'm able to view it - and understand it - much clearer. What irked me at first was the whole structure of THE PLAN. It's 2-hour structure means it's forced to encapsulate what was a story played out years of episodes, is now told within 88 minutes (that's the run-time minus adverts).I found it tried to encapsulate too much into a limited time. I've been able to let that feeling go, and, instead - just look at it 'as is.'In other words, those 'minuses' I've come to accept as 'pluses,' and, had THE PLAN become too enmeshed in that, it wouldn't have been able to succeed at ALL, in it's, well, it plan.So, accepting this limitation, I wouldn't give THE PLAN a 10 (or shouldn't be on a scale of 1-12…models of Cylons?) but, despite it's flaws I'll give it an Athena; an EIGHT.
masakiuma The synopsis given by "official" sources says that this movie reveals the Cylons' Plans from before the attack on the colonies up through the end of Season 2.This review will be extremely short, as talking about much of it at all would be spoiling both the movie and the series.The movie basically follows 'Number 1,' both the one on Caprica and the one in the fleet, and how they change throughout the course of the series. Unfortunately, it only covers up through season 2, so this so called "Plan" was boiled down to simply kill all humans. Nothing the audience of BSG didn't already know, right? The movie was okay, but it ended up feeling like a long string of deleted scenes from the series. If you have seen the whole series, then it is a must-see, even if there is nothing new.Taken as a standalone movie, it is easily a 1/10. However, there is NO WAY someone who has not seen the entire series of BSG should even consider watching this. It doesn't introduce anything new really, but it is a decent addition/companion to the series that all hardcore fans need to see.
melwyn I loved the new BSG, I think it is one of the best TV shows ever made. I was expecting this to contribute something new and was disappointed. Don't expect a plot, and don't expect any significant revelations. Certainly don't expect it to live up to the hype of "telling the story of two powerful Cylon leaders", or telling the story "from the point of view of all the Cylons". That's just rubbish.Over the last 10 or so episodes of BSG, we saw a few episodes which involved reviewing events to give us a reminder of what had gone before, and to put things into a new perspective by revealing more background of key characters in days leading up to the attack on the colonies, or more information on the role they played afterwards.Essentially, that is all "The Plan" is. I'm convinced it was something which was probably intended to be part of season 4 but for some reason was omitted. It centres around Brother Cavil and reveals that he had more influence over events on Galactica than we were previously aware of, and likewise his counterpart on occupied Caprica did the same. That, in a nutshell, is it. Most of the other Cylons barely get a look-in.Oh, and as for the Cylons' "Plan", don't expect to learn all about that, unless "the plan" was finding ways to mop up because the original attack didn't wipe all the humans out.To be honest I don't feel my BSG experience was lacking by not seeing this as part of Season 4. I say this because now, having seen it, I feel it contributes little, if anything, to the show. At times it feels like a series of out-takes edited together and nothing more. I've watched it once and now I'm going to sell it, that's how much it matters.