Poison Ivy 2: Lily
Poison Ivy 2: Lily
R | 16 January 1996 (USA)
Poison Ivy 2: Lily Trailers

A young and naive college art student becomes obsessed with assuming the identity and personality of a departed coed who used to live in her room, and in so doing causes complications that result in two men, a student and her art professor, lusting after her.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Lawbolisted Powerful
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
hall895 Here we have a sequel which has pretty much nothing to do with the first film in the series. Which is probably a good thing as that first film was quite terrible. Unfortunately this one is really no better. Alyssa Milano plays Lily, a shy girl from Michigan who goes to college in Los Angeles. There she comes out of her shell. And out of her clothes. Milano, at the point in her career where she felt the need to show how grown-up she was, dutifully doffs her top a few times. Honestly that's the only reason this movie exists, as a vehicle to put Milano on naked display. And again being honest that's probably the only reason anyone would ever watch this movie. You want a topless Alyssa Milano you got it. You want a decent movie you are well and truly out of luck.Whereas Ivy, the central figure in the first film, was an unapologetic seductress and homewrecker Lily is a good girl at heart. A bit clueless but good nonetheless. Anyhow her pervy art professor tries to take advantage of her. And one of her fellow students treats her badly and publicly humiliates her so she of course immediately sleeps with him. Eventually she tries to tap into her darker, more seductive side but that effort fails rather miserably. Some other weirdos float around on the periphery of the story and eventually it all comes to an end in what may be the worst final fifteen minutes of any movie ever. The movie had very little going for it throughout and in that ending it completely falls apart. It's an ending which piles one laughable absurdity upon another. The movie's supposed to be a thriller but it ends up as an unintentional comedy. Sadly it's not even a good unintentional comedy. The story stinks, the dialogue is pitiful, the acting is generally terrible and the obtrusive music is just painful. This is a movie with nothing to recommend it. If you're just here for Alyssa Milano's breasts enjoy them. You won't enjoy anything else.
BA_Harrison Lily (Alyssa Milano) is a shy Michigan art student who has somehow managed to secure herself a place at an LA college despite her pathetic scribblings resembling that of an average twelve year old. Soon after moving into her student lodgings, Lily discovers a diary that once belonged to Ivy, the disturbed babe played by Drew Barrymore in the first film. Inspired by Ivy's confidence and fearlessness, Lily adopts a new, more seductive persona to help her overcome her reservations and be accepted by her peers.Having briefly held a reputation for being a wild child, hottie Alyssa Milano must have seemed like the obvious choice to follow in Drew Barrymore's footsteps for this sequel to Poison Ivy; but despite Milano happily shedding her clothes to indulge in several steamy soft-core sex scenes, Poison Ivy 2 proves to be less fun than the original movie.Barrymore's Ivy was damaged goods: an unpredictable loose cannon, she exuded a genuine air of sexual danger, and yet this 'bad-girl' was still worthy of our compassion, her damaged psyche clearly the result of a very troubled childhood. In short, she was complex as well as sexy.Poison Ivy 2's Lily has a far less valid excuse for her wanton behaviour: her upbringing apparently trauma-free, Lily is simply desperate to be popular and feels that the best way to achieve this is to act like a total slut. It doesn't make her very endearing (alluring yes, but not exactly likable) or particularly interesting.The male characters in this film are as equally vapid and unagreeable: Lily's sculptor boyfriend Gredin (Johnathon Schaech) is a clingy pretty boy who proves to be as bland as his 'art', while lustful teacher Donald Falk (Xander Berkeley) is not only an adulterous sleaze-bag but every bit as bad an artist as his students.After lots of fairly unexceptional eroticism, during which Milano flashes her tits a lot (yayy!), Poison Ivy 2 moves into predictable thriller mode for the finalé, a frustrated Falk getting his rape on with temptress Lily, only to be caught in the act by Gredin, Falk's wife Angela (Belinda Bauer) and his daughter Daphne (a young Camilla Belle), and then become a knife wielding lunatic destined to die by the closing credits.Poison Ivy 2 is available in both rated and unrated versions on Region 1, but unrated is clearly the way to go, with several minutes more of Alyssa in the buff being a naughty, naughty girl.
edwagreen This is a first class stinker of major proportions. A young girl goes off to art school in California, leaving her home in Michigan. Her parents call once to speak to her and despite their so called concern, you never hear from them again.The movie is unbearably slow moving. It essentially comes down to the young lady supposedly asserting herself by getting involved in simultaneous affairs with both her art professor and a fellow student.Our heroine is more like a witch. She is really the embodiment of a possessive misery and that word is most appropriate to describe this dull film with an unhappy ending.
JD WaySide Okay, this movie has rote acting by nobody memorable (with one exception), and the plot would be better if the movie HAD no plot because the one that it comes with epitomises lame, hokey, contrived, and Just Plain Dumb(tm). Think of the worst possible way you could rip off the first movie, and then prepare yourself for something ten times worse. So don't worry about this review containing any spoilers, because there's really nothing to give away.These things being said, it does have Alyssa Milano looking very provocative indeed, and leaves the absolute bare minimum to the imagination as regards what she wears and does. It's about as far as you can go and still get on broadcast TV. (I understand they cut a couple of minutes from the air version, but I've never seen the video, and even though I've no girlfriend at the moment, I'm still not that inclined to rent it and find out.)The one other point in this film's favour is that there are a couple of interesting bits in the soundtrack. What the heck - even though I hate Charmed, I kinda like Alyssa, so I'll give it a 6. With the understanding that, if I'd actually had something better to do tonight, I'd've probably dropped that to a 4.
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