My Awkward Sexual Adventure
My Awkward Sexual Adventure
R | 20 December 2012 (USA)
My Awkward Sexual Adventure Trailers

A hyper-repressed and schlubby accountant (Jonas Chernick) strikes a deal with a worldly but disorganized stripper (Emily Hampshire): he'll help her with her crushing debt if she helps him become a better lover.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
beaudiford Upon reading the synopsis for this film, I wondered if this would end up being another one of those movies with lots of boobs and no actual story line. My netflix queue was looking pretty sad, so I figured I would give MASA a chance. The awkwardness began with the very first scene. We are introduced to the feeble protagonist who verges on unlikeable. However, as the film progressed something interesting happened. I began to look forward to those awkward moments, and even started rooting for the protagonist. This film was well written, intelligent, and funny. The way the writers addressed sex was wonderful, managing to be blunt without seeming gratuitous. In addition to great writing, this film was blessed with wonderful actors. I would definitely recommend film.
daniellieparker After noticing how underrated this movie was I felt compelled to write my second review, here at IMDb. This is a great movie! One of the top 5 best movies of 2012. The writer, director and cast delivered a unique fine piece of art. You will like it. Your girlfriend will love it. The harmony and balance between the characters are great. Emily Hampshire and Vik Sahay will get your attention! Jonas and Sarah were awesome as well. Even "Naked Tom" will make you think. Intelligent, funny and sometimes politically incorrect; all you could ever wanted to see in a comedy. If you were looking for a great Saturday night movie you definitely found one!
JenEvans1 The plot summary on IMDb describes this as a quest for sexual experience, with strip clubs, sensual massage parlours, cross-dressing and S & M.Now if all this sounds a bit exotic to you, don't be alarmed, 'cause it is really just a comedy romance, and a very good one at that! (although I must admit that my husband, not a fan of my romcoms, elected to watch this with me haha) Basically its the same old story of nice guy taken for granted by selfish girlfriend who meets stripper with heart of gold and as you might have guessed it all ends delightfully. The nice guy (Jonas Chernick) was not much of a catch in my opinion - he chased after his ex girlfriend with annoying eagerness even to the point of leaving the stripper manacled and helpless - not very promising boyfriend material!. (And for the life of me I didn't really understand why he had to dress up in womens clothes, - or for that matter why he enjoyed it so much??!!) Still, everyone to their own taste ...His selfish girlfriend Sarah Manninen) was entertaining and bitchy to the max - go Sarah! I enjoyed her performance. And the stripper (Emily Hampshire)turned out to be just a home body at heart, and a dab hand at home baking - Yes its true!!Id recommend this - despite the fact that it was very predictable it was also funny, and really enjoyable to watch. Im giving it an 8.
wilson trivino Directed by Sean Garrity, this Canadian film made its Each Coast Premiere on the Gen-Y night party as part of the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival at Atlantic Station. This tale is about Jordan (Jonas Chernick) who has hit a road block in his love life. His girl friend notes that he is a bad lover and needs some time away. These love birds were planning a getaway trip and Jordan ventures on his own to gain insight of his best friend Dandak (Vik Sahay) who is a bit of a player in his own right. Through a series of misfortunes, Jordan befriends a stripper who promises to tutor Jordan into the mysterious ways of love. Some scenes are hilariously funny while others show case the vulnerabilities in seeking that one special person. Saw this as part of the Atlanta Jewish Film festival
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