Prince Charming
Prince Charming
PG | 13 July 2001 (USA)
Prince Charming Trailers

After an extramarital indiscretion, a fairy-tale prince and his sidekick are turned into frogs for all eternity or until the prince can convince a maiden to kiss and then marry him.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
qubit01 I just finished watching this on TNT. Never knew it existed before, but I was surfing and saw the lovely Christina Applegate and had to stop. Then I saw the Amazing Martin Short and was like whaaaat? Too bad I missed about half an hour. No matter, this is a cute, endearing take on the Prince Charming story, with the Prince and his servant finding themselves back in human form somehow (missed that part), and in modern America. Did I mention Bernadette Peters? My lord, she is still PERFECT. Christina has always been a good comedic actor, but did very well in her dramatic scenes- better than expected. Martin Short is still funny, and Bernadette Peters is, again, absolutely perfect. What a gorgeous woman and talented actress! Sean Maguire does a great Charming, his accent and mannerisms are spot on as a medieval prince out of his element. Billy Connolly and Andrea Martin pull it together with good performances of their own. A charming movie that's great for the whole family.
Utrolia I though this was the same movie as "just visiting" Same actor (Applegate) and basically the same plot. It amazes me how uncreative directors/scriptwriters can be, so many movies are just the same! Like Blonde & blonder, dumb dumber and Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.I kinda just said it all, but It seems like I have too few lines of text. I could list a lot of similar/copied movies but I think you see my point anyway.. I'm not saying this movie sucks or anything , I'm just saying there was really no need to make two of it. so.. yeah.. well I guess that's my opinion and there's really not a lot more to say. Thanks for letting me share this.. umm.. yeah
three_am I generally enjoy Hallmark Entertainment movies. The Snow Queen, The Secret Garden, and Snow White were well-made fairy-tale movies. Although Prince Charming does try to make a modern love story from the Frog Prince story, it fails in its execution. It needed more story. The movie did not explain why they survived as frogs for so long without aging or dying. And having watched LOTR, the names of the kingdoms sounded totally middle-earth, I got lost in its generic names. The worst part of the movie is the ending. The ending made no sense! Major plot hole that I fell through. The ending was too sickly sweet for me.I would have given this movie a 1, but because the actor that portrayed the Prince was very nice to look at, I gave it a 2. Christina Applegate did a mediocre job as the lead lady in the story. Usually I love Bernadette Peters and her adept quality at portraying evil women, but it felt like the film makers didn't want to make her too evil character. *sigh* I just wish the story was a little more fleshed out before they made it a movie, even a made for TV movie.
marybryan This was such a fun movie! A delightful comedy that truly caught me off guard. Maguire and Short make this tale believable, there is no doubt. Performances were exceptional from all really. Peters is as always perfect. Thumbs up also to the details like the kilt skirt.