How I Got Into College
How I Got Into College
PG-13 | 19 May 1989 (USA)
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The simple story of two young Michigan high school students, Jessica, Class President, Local Smart Girl, and object of Marlon's affections attempt to get into a small Pennsylvania college. Jessica fights off her parent's expectation of going to their alma mater of the University of Michigan, while Marlon fights his grades and SAT scores.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
ss97-1 This is one of those movies that few people seem to know about. And those that do seem to either love it or hate it. I would consider myself on the former curve of that scale, I like it a lot but I don't love it.What this movie is, is a fun and light comedy that only briefly touches on any sort of real world lesson. But it does send a positive message loud and clear. It says that if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen with some hard work and a bit of luck. It does so in a basic way, but nonetheless it makes the point.The movie itself is not filled with huge memorable laughs. There are some common and lame gags, helped along by some big talents like Anthony Edwards and the late great Charles Rocket. But what the movie lacks in classic moments, it makes up for in interesting and sometimes twisted moments that leave you smirking. It is not a laugh fest, but it is a smile maker that will make you chuckle at times.The movie also has a lot of visual gags that often escape attention the first time around. You can see the subtle "Better Off Dead" ties all over the place in style and of course the several actors that were on both movies. The two movies do not really compare beyond that.Lara Flynn Boyle is as lovable as she ever has been in this role. Her portrayal of the All-American "loved by all" High School girl is well done. She and Corey Parker pull off a believable chemistry, as this is probably his defining role. Parker is a good underdog without being an underdog. Its never hard to believe that his character could pull off the things he does by winning over the Prom Queen or getting into the college of his dreams.All in all this movie is a lot of fun and deserves some props. If you like goofy and fun movies you will like this one. If you are looking for Oscar caliber entertainment you will not get past the first scene anyway so you won't care.
mpstyles54 sure this movie may have had its funny moments with the sat question people and i know the movie is not supposed to be totally believable the movie made it too outrageous for example a girl like that would never in a million years go out wit ha guy like that also people in movie had lackluster performances there acting was so bad. Also the plot bad they could have don e a better job on the scripting at least and focused more on the comedy the comedy was also a little dry and got really boring after the first few jokes, it was like 10mins was laughter then the old when is this gonna end started to kick in The bottom line if u want a a lackluster of acting mixed in with a stupid plot and a romance go ahead and watch this movie.
edwagreen Utterly ridiculous movie which makes fun of the college admission process. While it is true that the SAT's is not everything in evaluating a student for admission to college, what the movie talks about is utterly ridiculous and not worth repeating nor viewing.College admissions officials are made to look like stupid people who have an extremely narrow view of the entire process. The film is an insult to hard-working high school students who work hard and then have to suffer through a long process until they receive that letter of acceptance or rejection from the schools they have applied for. This movie certainly deserves rejection on all levels.
budikavlan Good light entertainment that never quite passed into the mainstream, despite featuring several performers who later became better-known: Anthony Edwards before he lost his hair and became a famous TV doc, Corey Parker before he became a caricature of himself, and Lara Flynn Boyle before she became a skeleton. A lightweight and quirky farce about the college admissions process, this bit of fluff also has a really nice heart, plus fun performances by Finn Carter as Edwards's true love and Chris Rydell as Parker's ultracool best friend.
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