Sick Girl
Sick Girl
NR | 13 January 2006 (USA)
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A shy entomologist named Ida—whose girlfriend has left her, due to her interest in insects—develops a crush on a strange girl, Misty. After Ida receives a mysterious insect in the mail, the two women spend the night together, and Ida awakens to find that Misty has stumbled upon her insect collection and has a great interest in them herself.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
marymorrissey I don't really want to go on and on about it but this was a wonderful charming amazing piece of work... great characters, great plot, the acting is kind of mannered at times but in fact is actually extraordinary. Very sweet and funny and totally mad. Frankly I liked it a lot more than "May" which was very good.I have to have 10 lines of text. I don't know what made me think of "May" today and start to wonder what the maker of it has been up to subsequently but I'm delighted to have picked up this movie and have some of his others now on my netflix queue. Hurray for "lucky" mckee.oh brother I need another line.... . .. . . .
Paul Andrews Masters of Horror: Sick Girl tells the tale of lesbian entomologist Ida Teeter (Angela Bettis) who gets a parcel in the post one day from Brazil, inside is a large insect the likes of which she has never seen before. The the thing escapes & makes it's nest in her pillow which becomes a problem when Ida brings her new girlfriend Misty (Erin Brown) round because while in bed together the strange insect infects Misty which leads to unthinkable consequences...This Canadian American co-production was episode 10 from season 1 of the generally hit-and-miss Masters of Horror TV series, directed by Lucky McKee I have to say Sick Girl didn't do anything for me. The script by Sean Hood is pretty slow going at times & I had to keep reminding myself that this was actually a horror film as opposed to a lesbian drama! Generally speaking this is the sort of episode which will come down to personal opinion, I thought it was boring badly written nonsense that just left me totally cold but on the other hand I could see why some may like it for it's quirkiness if nothing else. The horror & exploitation levels are virtually zero here, the plot is loose & I never felt it all came together that well & with it's bizarre & unlikable central character's it just annoyed me. When all said & done not that much actually happens in it either, girl gets insect & new girlfriend & that's about it. I don't know maybe it's just me because there seems to be a fair amount of love for Sick Girl out there but I didn't think it was anything special at all.Apparently Sick Girl was originally going to be directed by Roger Corman but he was replaced with McKee & he does an OK job, personally I thought it was a pretty forgettable episode & nothing really stands out visually & the special effects are probably the worst Masters of Horror has served up thus far, apart from some blood splatter at the end there's no gore in it & the huge insect thing at the end looks a bit daft but again that's just my opinion for what it's worth.Technically this is very good with nice production values as usual for this series & it is far better than most cheap made for TV show's. The acting was a problem for me, I personally thought Bettis was awful & boring to watch but once again that's just my opinion.Sick Girl isn't the worst Masters of Horror episode but it's down there somewhere, I think this is average at best & I also think I'm being kind with that description. Overall though another disappointment.
LoneWolfAndCub Much like Landis' Deer Woman, Lucky McKee goes for laughs over straight horror. Sick Girls stars Angela Bettis as Ida Teeter, a shy, lesbian entomologist. She doesn't do so well relationship wise as her apartment filled with bugs is quite off-putting. That is, until she meets Misty Falls (Erin Brown) her new lover who doesn't get creeped out by the bugs. Unfortunately she gets bitten by a bug sent to Ida, a very mysterious bug that changes people's personalities for the worst.McKee is actually a lot like John Landis, mixing gory horror with hilarious comedy. This works on a lot of levels, the acting is great (I love Bettis, she is an excellent actress), the humour is actually funny, the gore sickening and the monsters big and ugly. This episode is highly recommended.4/5.
Steve Keil SICK GIRL is the worst episode of Masters of Horror series this far, and that's quite an achievement as there have been some really poor ones (Homecoming, Dance of the Dead & Jenifer to name 3). Everything about this episode is poor; story, acting, direction, special effects. It's about some retarded(?) woman who one day receives an evil super-bug in the mail. The evil bug then bites her girlfriend, girlfriend becomes sick and turns into a giant bug (featuring some not so special effects). Next scene is the lesbian couple, both pregnant, sitting on the couch with the father to be (the evil bug). Oh, and the retarded main character also has trouble with her landlady who doesn't appreciate her bug-pets and/or lesbian lifestyle. The EndThe main character delivers possibly the worst performance of all time. I was left speechless after seeing this. Don't know if the actress just acted the way the director told. The other actors/actresses do a poor job too. Can't help thinking of what the director was thinking when he made this? Is he proud of his creation?.