Body Bags
Body Bags
R | 08 August 1993 (USA)
Body Bags Trailers

A woman working the late shift at a gas station while a killer is on the loose; a man who can't stand the thought of losing his hair; a baseball player that submits to an eye transplant. An anthology of terror.

Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Predrag A story collection created by John Carpenter and Toby Hooper, which was made for cable by Showtime in the mid 90's, as often happens with J.C., I was impressed. It has some weird moments and various cameos by several horror directors, which was a very nice touch. It looks like ripoff from The Tales from the Crypt but believe me it is not... Whole movie is narrated through the host himself as a dead man in the morgue, who is alive and talking about dead bodies that just came to the morgue and their stories how they died. First story is about a serial killer wanted by police, who kill ladies near gas stations; second story is about an insecure bald guy who wants to have long hair and his stubborn view on his problem was really funny and gross in some ways and finally the third and the last story was about a baseball player who in his prime career loose his eye and must continue his life without it but on his luck he meets a doctor that wants to do a transplantation of a new eye as an experiment to him. And when he gets the new eye all his world starts to fall apart..It is just pure fun and horror here if you like cheese horror of the 90's and the great John Carpenter... Wes Craven cameo, David Naughton, Sheena Easton and so many more.....this was absolutely awesome. For a fans of John Carpenter and Toby Hooper horror stories like Creepshow and etc. I truly recommend it!Overall rating: 8 out of 10.
atinder This corpse tells 3 stories, about this other bodies in the morgue "The Gas Station" Anna who arrives for her first job, working the night shift at an all- night filling station And Bill her Boss tell her to care full of people as t a serial killer has broken out of a mental hospital. So she keeps the booth Closed most of time, The short is was on edge, serving people! This short was good, there was some little tense moment in this movie were well done and I really liked the twist was really good and I really liked how the segment ended 7/10 "Hair" Richard Who's is getting bald and then when he see advert on TV about miracle' hair transplant operation, and goes thought with it and really happy with results. Soon he keeps growing in places that never meant to have hair, I not sure what to think of this one, I found this bit of weak story and Some of the effects in this short were poor. 5/10 Decent "Eye" I would say this was the best of bunch, They saved the best for last! Brent ends up losing one of his Eyes, after Car Crash (Which Could have been done better) But there one nasty gory scenes in that Crash, Which I thought was decent.When doctor tells his could get new Eye, after the doctor tells and again after he also happy wit results. Until take Dark turn in the story!I really liked this story, very well paced and some really good acting from the cast, some very wearied scenes in a good way! I liked how the story came to end really good! 8/10 Not bad anthology the whole movie I give 7/10
mattressman_pdl Directors John Carpenter and Tobe Hooper bring you a made for cable horror anthology known as...BODY BAGS.Hosted by an amusing John Carpenter as a cryptkeeper like host. He's a lively corpse himself and delights in the torment of the other bodies in the morgue. So he's going to tell you about them...(well three of them, anyway).Story One finds a young college student being stalked in a desolate gas station by a menacing killer. Watch for Carpenter regulars Buck Flower, Peter Jason, and Robert Carradine as well as cameos from Sam Raimi and Wes Craven. Not a very good story but much better than the other two that follow Story Two finds a balding bachelor (the always watchable Stacy Keach) desperate for a cure to his thinning scalp. He finds one, thanks to an eccentric doctor played by David Warner. The cure works a little too well...This one is a little corny but fun.Story Three is directed by 'guest' Tobe Hooper and is unfortunately the weakest story. Professional baseball player Mark Hamill is distraught after losing his eye in a car accident. That is, until another creepy doctor offers him a transplant...from an executed serial killer. Nothing bad could possibly happen, right? Overall, the films wraparound segment proves to be more entertaining than the segments themselves as it feels like an old EC comic but the film isn't without it's positive points. The first story has decent suspense and all of them have their tongue planted firmly in cheek.Seek out this one out!
Master Cultist Darkly comic anthology from John Carpenter.This is three short stories, interlinked by a scene in a mortuary, where the mortician is actually played by Carpenter himself. Other than that it is notable for a string of cameo appearances from people in the horror world including Tobe Hooper, Wes Craven and the mighty Sam Raimi.And, my God, it's actually very good.First up we have the slasher story, parodying Carpenter's own Halloween. Next is a ball burstingly funny tale about a guy obsessed about his recent hair loss, and finally Mark 'Skywalker' Hamill plays a baseball player given a new implanted eye after a car accident.It's all played for black laughs, and is very successful.Highly enjoyable.