Trick or Treats
Trick or Treats
R | 29 October 1982 (USA)
Trick or Treats Trailers

A baby sitter is stuck watching over a young brat on Halloween night who keeps playing vicious pranks on her. To add to her trouble the boy's deranged father has escaped from an asylum and is planning on making a visit.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Sam Panico Directed by Gary Graver, whose IMDb page is veritably packed with films like Sorceress, Sorceress II: The Temptress, Mortuary and Femalien II, this film concerns a babysitter, who is stuck watching a kid on Halloween while her boyfriend is in a play. Christopher, the babysittee, is a total asshole. I mean that — in a world of annoying horror movie children, he may be the most horrible ever. He keeps acting like he's cut himself or killed himself and she keeps finding him, cries and then he yells "trick or treat" and runs away.Meanwhile, the kid's dad, Malcolm (Peter Jason from They Live, In the Mouths of Madness and Prince of Darkness) was put into a mental asylum by the mother (Carrie Snodgrass, who allowed the production to use her home) years ago. He's broken out and is coming home to kill her. Except she's out with her new husband, Richard (David Carradine!) and only checking in via phone calls.Speaking of phone calls, Malcolm keeps calling home with threats.Oh yeah. Steve Railsback is the boyfriend. Paul Bartel shows up as a bum and literally chews up the entire scene that he is in. There's a movie within a movie that the babysitter's friend is editing. And Orson Welles is credited as the magic consultant.There is not a single likable person in this film. I wanted the kid to die literally from the minute he appeared on screen. The killer isn't particularly fearsome. And the tagline "…when Halloween night stopped being fun!" doesn't promise much.But I still find stuff to love in it, like the interstitial answering of the trick or treat door, hoping that something big is going to happen. And the movie within a movie's speech about transcendental meditation made me laugh.Read more at
Coventry Complete failure of a horror that actually has no "raison d'être" whatsoever because only three (I repeat THREE) people die throughout the entire film and two (again, I repeat, TWO) of these three deaths occur off-screen! I've seen Disney Pixar flicks where more characters died. By the way, that was a spoiler warning! What makes all this even worse is the fact that the basic premise actually holds quite a bit of potential and the opening sequences are even intriguingly mysterious and never seen before. A battle ax of a woman hires some men in clean white coats to take away her husband to the loony bin. Several years later – although later specified as exactly four – the man breaks out the asylum on Halloween night (in the lamest imaginable way by dressing up as an elderly woman) and returns homewards with exclusively vengeance on his mind. His evil hag of a wife, who in the meantime re-married the sleazy magician artist David Carradine, is not there on "the night he came home" (copyright John Carpenter's "Halloween") but the cute babysitter is looking after their chubby and unimaginably annoying son, who persists on playing lame pranks (and the bimbo babysitter persists on falling for them as well). It takes literally ages before anything remotely horror-related occurs. The film isn't exactly boring; it's just nothing like a horror/slasher effort. There are numerous pointless interludes to fill up the running time, like a complete narration of the Boy Who Cried Wolf fairy tale and the showing of a horror film within the film, something about Dracula reviving the Frankenstein monster, because two chicks are editing a film the babysitter slash actress starred in. It's not the least bit relevant; it's just another way to kill off a couple of minutes. I sometimes really wondered if "Trick or Treats" was intended as a comedy, because certain parts are just so incredibly over-the-top and senseless, like the live news reporting from inside the asylum after the escape, but then again other parts as well as the acting performances are so sincere and straight-faced that I think we're supposed to take this rubbish seriously. The chubby 8-year-old amateur magician is literally, hands down, THE most annoying kid ever displayed on screen and, especially with the slow pacing in this film, you just know from the beginning that we won't have the pleasure of watching him die. "Trick or Treats" is a "Halloween" knock-off without any actual slashing going on. It's a lousy and boring movie, completely bloodless and without the slightest form of suspense. The supportive roles of Steve Railsbeck and David Carradine are completely wasted and did I tell you already this piece of junk hardly features any on screen bloodshed? Epic failure, that's what they call this sort of stuff these days on the Internet.
Vomitron_G TRICK OR TREATS tries to be something but it miserably fails to be anything. Is it mainly trying to be some sort of slasher-inspired horror film using a Halloween-theme? Probably, but you can't really call it a horror movie. There's no suspense, no thrills, no gore, no memorable deaths, no nothing. Just a lot of talking, various hints at possible subplots that are no hints, really, but just goings-on that lead to absolutely nothing. Just a guy who escapes a mental institute to get revenge on his wife because she put him there. This is just a minimal plot-thread running through the film, as most of the other scenes feature an extremely annoying kid (the son of the lunatic) playing stupid Halloween pranks on his female baby-sitter. The chick fills her time with phoning her acting boyfriend (played by an under-used Steve Railsback, who's anything but memorable in this film) and telling the annoying kid stories like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". David Carradine plays the kid's step-dad and has, besides talking smooth to the baby-sitter, no reason to be in this film. Peter Jason (as the escaped lunatic dad), might come across as another familiar face (it should, actually, just watch some John Carpenter movies), but seeing him dress up as a nurse (with a bad wig) will just have you shaking your head, wishing this film would end.In all honesty, TRICK OR TREATS could have been an okay Halloween-themed horror flick if they had actually bothered to write a decent script. But it turned out a boring, uneventful piece of crap. With one of the most annoying 80's kids ever.Good Badness? No, simply no fun. 2/10 and 2/10
TeacupHorror It is unlikely there has ever been a horror film less effective than Trick or Treats. The killer is more annoying than scary, and the final girl is unlikeable. The film has little suspense, gore, or plot. The shots are badly lit, and mainly focus on the final girl's ass. The story takes place in Los Angeles, where a man is taken to an asylum by his wife so she get his money. Seven years later he breaks free to get revenge. However, the wife's away at a party in Las Vegas with her new husband and has left their son with a babysitter. The son is an amateur magician, and he proceeds to play tricks on the babysitter, until eventually the father breaks in and the babysitter thinks the strange calls and noises are the son's doing. The film was directed by Gary Graver, a cinematographer who worked with Orson Welles on many films and was apparently good friends with him. Welles is credited in the film as "Magic Consultant".
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