The Mangler
The Mangler
R | 03 March 1995 (USA)
The Mangler Trailers

When an accident involving a folding machine at an old laundry happens, detective John Hunton investigates. While he tries to solve the mystery, Bill Gartley, the owner, wants to find new victims for his machine.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Edison Witt The first must-see film of the year.
Tara and Andrew Stephen King has written a lot of stories over the last 45-ish years. Some are great (The Shining), some are decidedly less great (Dreamcatcher), but when you're producing as much material as he is, not everything is going to be a game-winning home run. It doesn't necessarily need to be, though, as long as it's entertaining. That's sort of the ground where his short story, The Mangler, falls. It's about an industrial laundry press that's become possessed and which has a taste for human blood. The story is maybe 20 pages long, which is just about the perfect length-- if it were any longer and it might strain the bounds of credulity. That's sort of what happens with Tobe Hooper's (may he rest in peace) adaptation of The Mangler. It's an odd choice for an adaptation, and at an hour and 45 minutes, it teeters right on the brink of overstaying its welcome. It doesn't, though. It's weird and ridiculous, and although it's not a one-to-one adaptation of the short story, it manages to stay within striking distance of its source material. It's kind of dumb, and it seems to know that it's kind of dumb, but we both earnestly came away from it feeling reasonably positive. If nothing else, Robert Englund's scenery-chewing performance as the owner of the laundry facility that The Mangler resides in makes this an entertaining watch, if not necessarily a mandatory one.To indulge in some shameless self-promotion, we briefly wanted to point out that this is the movie that we discuss in episode five of our podcast, Tara and Andrew Versus The Scarecrow Video Movie Guide. If you're feeling so inclined, you can find the episode at mangler or in the podcasting app of your choosing. Give us a listen, won't you?
estebansito Man oh man, some of these reviewers are toxic. Instead of giving a review of the movie, some decided to stick their head up their butt and let their pseudo-political bull crap, and communist psycho-babble bias, to explain this movie. I don't care if YOU THINK this some parable to show the "the evil of capitalism." What a joke; you people make me sick! Typical projection of your nasty beliefs to explain everything. Now on the movie.... I really liked this one; it was fun, gory, entertaining, and I was captivated by the way Ted Levine talks; it can be funny at times. Ted did good as the lone, frustrated cop trying to save the day. Robert Englund sure did a good job as the villain too, really creepy the way he looked. The story was entertaining because it takes an unexpected turn at the supernatural. I'd recommended this to Stephen kings fans or horror fans.
gavin6942 A laundry folding machine is possessed by a demon from Hell.The reviews for "The Mangler" are predominantly bad. Richard Harrington wrote, "The Mangler is ludicrous from start to finish: its plot lines dangle, its effects fail to dazzle and the acting and directing are uniformly bad... even the least demanding of genre fans will be hard-pressed to tremble in its presence." This is partially true. The plot is not as strong as it could be, but it does have a few nice touches, most notably the gore.Mike Long rated it 0.5/5 stars and wrote, "There have been many bad, throw-away projects based on material from Stephen King, but The Mangler has to be one of the worst. The movie's laughable premise is only brought down by the inept filmmaking on display here." Yep. The acting is pretty bad (especially the way lines are delivered), and there is just no getting around the fact this is a story about a possessed laundry machine... it might be good as a short story (I don't know), but to make it believable on screen? And I think they made at least one if not two sequels...
Rad Mac This is absolutely great film, seen 10+ times now and gets better every-time. Sometimes if i don't know what to watch i think why not watch mangler because its always better than last time so usually i will put it on. sometimes i will flip a coin to see if i watch something else but even if it lands on the other film I'll still draw for the mangler. The characters are great. the guy that takes pictures is my favorite character but i like the factory owner as well. He is a real great as well. The plot is very complex. At first you think everything is fine but then all of a sudden it gets very strange but i don't want to spoil the story so I'll not tell you any more. i don't know why it has only got a low rating here. me and my friends all think its really good and would give it 10 stars at least!