Dead Body
Dead Body
| 17 October 2017 (USA)
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Nine high school kids celebrate graduation at a secluded home in the wilderness. They fight, philander, and feel nostalgic as they embark on a life away from home, in college. Once the party dies down they play a game: Dead Body. But when one party-goer takes the game too far, actually murdering the other guests one by one, it's up to the group to set aside their tensions, and ferret out the murderer before it's too late.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
ashleyestes-35815 Fun little movie to watch if you get a chance. The acting wasn't amazing, and I guessed who the killer was like 10 minutes into the movie, but there was some good gore effects, and it was fun to watch. Definitely doesn't deserve to be rated so poorly.
delomatrix Overall, I enjoyed this movie. I felt the acting was average, nothing special but nothing cringe worthy like in other movies I have seen. If it wasn't for the quality in filming, music choice/placement and well done gore it could have not been as good. If you are like me and can call everything in a movie when you watch it, then you will know who the killer is right from the beginning. If you watch it and don't try to guess, then you are in for a good shock. I have to disagree with the person who gave this movie a 1. I thought the plot/story was strong and that was the one thing I was not able to guess. I had a totally different idea for what the killers motive was. Well paced, well made and an enjoyable cast. I highly recommend watching this one! It deserves to have an audience. Great job to those who were involved in the film!
pensacolacomputer The only other review has this movie at a 1. It definitely does not deserve that. If you are a horror fan and/or a who done it fan you will probably like this. Is the acting Oscar winning? No...But does it keep your interest and have some decent gore? Yes...Besides a few dull moments this is a hidden gem on Amazon Prime. Check it out if you get the chance.
Alice C The acting in this film was awful. The plot was just as bad. First of all they pretty much give away the why and who before the action starts discussing their future. But if that isn't bad enough toward the end with the last woman vs killer standing we have the killer spend several minutes recapping the captain obvious story and his motive, how he executed each step. If I don't know better I'd think a high school class wrote and acted this for a drama class project. No one cares about going to Havard this much.