NR | 24 June 1955 (USA)
Moonfleet Trailers

Set in the eighteenth century, Moonfleet is about John Mohune, a young orphan who is sent to the Dorset village of Moonfleet to stay with an old friend of his mother's, Jeremy Fox. Fox is a morally ambiguous character, an elegant gentleman involved with smugglers and pirates.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Leofwine_draca MOONFLEET, a swashbuckling tale of smuggling and conspiracy, is based on a historical adventure novel of old. It's all but forgotten today, which is a pity as this is a fairly good, if old-fashioned movie. Instead of focusing on the usual derring-do and feats of heroism, the focus of the movie is a relationship between an innocent young boy and one of the most feared smugglers working the coast.What follows offers twists-aplenty, steadfast direction from seasoned professional Fritz Lang, and some colourful costumes. The locales are well drawn and the characters are fun to watch. Stewart Granger is, as usual, slightly arrogant and stand-offish, but it's youthful Scots actor Jon Whiteley who holds it all together as the boy. He's not your usual whining/crying little screen kid, instead a tough and resourceful character whom it's impossible to dislike.MOONFLEET works some great set-pieces into its running time, from the lightning strike in a creepy graveyard to the subsequent hunt through smuggling dens and old crypts. The action, although limited, is jolly, and the twist ending is particularly fine, something I didn't spot coming at all. MOONFLEET is no classic but fans of classic cinema will enjoy it.
James Hitchcock It is a long time since I read J Meade Falkner's novel, but I remember enough of it to realise that this film bears little resemblance to it. Around the middle of the eighteenth century John Mohune, the young son of a once-wealthy but now ruined aristocratic family, is sent after the death of his parents to stay with Jeremy Fox, the squire of the Dorset village of Moonfleet. Before her marriage to a cousin, Fox was the lover of John's mother, but they were prevented from marrying by the opposition of her family, who thought he was neither wealthy nor well-born enough for her. As the fortunes of the Mohunes have declined, however, so those of Fox have risen, and he is now the wealthiest man in the village, living in their ancestral mansion.Fox takes a liking to the boy, and a friendship grows up between them. Unknown to John, however, Fox is not the respectable country gentleman he appears. His main source of wealth is his involvement in the lucrative, but highly illegal, smuggling trade, and he has plans to go into partnership with Lord Ashwood, a local nobleman, in a venture which involves plundering foreign ships and which effectively falls little short of piracy. The debonair Fox is also something of a ladies man, with at least two mistresses, one of whom denounces him to the authorities when he tires of her. The main plot concerns Fox and John's search for a long-lost diamond which had once belonged to one of the Mohune family."Moonfleet" has similarities to "Treasure Island" although it is set in Britain rather than on a remote tropical island. The relationship between the likable rogue Fox (a name presumably chosen because of its connotations of cunning) and young John parallels that between Long John Silver and Jim Hawkins. The film has been aptly described as situated on the boundary between a traditional cape and sword adventure and a Gothic horror movie. The style of acting is more that of the swashbuckling adventure. Stewart Granger, taking over where Errol Flynn left off, made something of a speciality of dashing heroes in historical costume dramas ("Blanche Fury", "Saraband for Dead Lovers", "Scaramouche" and "Beau Brummell" are other examples) and he makes an attractive hero here. The other contribution that stands out is from George Sanders, always a good villain, as the corrupt aristocrat Ashwood.Director Fritz Lang, however, brings a very Gothic look to the film. Moonfleet may be situated on one of the most scenic counties in England, but it is no picturesque village. The atmosphere is often a dark, gloomy one, with numerous shots of the shabby alehouse or the mist-shrouded churchyard. Fox may be a likable rogue, but the smugglers are for the most part dangerous ones who would have no compunction about murdering a child. (There is a fine duel between Fox and one of their number fought to decide whether John should live or die after he inadvertently overhears their plans). This is not a great film, but is nevertheless a well-made, watchable adventure. 6/10
Zazie I saw this movie projected onto a screen, from the DVD, I think; it looked as good as old films usually do. I found it very enjoyable and was surprised that I had not seen it before. However, I feel gratified to read the complaints by one member here who could not figure out all the plot details: I couldn't, either! Now, after reading more information or speculation about the making of the film, I see why. I found that there is a whole website and society devoted to the author of the book, John Meade Falkner, and a biography of him was published not long ago.This is my first time viewing this website. I'm impressed by the quality of the comments; I'll definitely come back.
dune1132 This movie is very interesting. Although it is totally different from the novel, the story holds up to its promise. The cast is great, especially S.Granger. He is really a great actor.G.Sanders is very good as the corrupt nobleman. He is really a wonderful actor.The boy, whose name completely escapes me, was quite good. I usually hates kids in movies, especially American ones as they always seem to know better than grown-ups or they just won't listen to them ... how can a 8 year-old boy "explain" something to his father... I mean come on. In this movie there is no such a thing, it is quite realistic.The music and site views are really grand. I believe that Fritz Lang is really a great Director and he has proved it once again with this movie.I highly recommend this movie.