The Tourist
The Tourist
PG-13 | 10 December 2010 (USA)
The Tourist Trailers

American tourist Frank meets mysterious British woman Elsie on the train to Venice. Romance seems to bud, but there's more to her than meets the eye.

GazerRise Fantastic!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
awesomesivag Watch it with low expectations! Pull off ur brains and store it in freezer before watching this!
dertwonshuw-87179 I want to say right from the start that Angelina Jolie can sit down beside me on a train anytime.My roommate came home while I was watching and asked if it was a comedy. I responded no, but it should be. (Where is Inspector Clouseau when you need him?)I like the exterior Venice shots, but the rooftop chase scene is very fake. The plot is a little thin, but the story is still entertaining. I figured out what was going on fifteen minutes into the movie and that's not because I am too smart. (Hence the spoiler alert.)
gkeith_1 I don't like Depp as a slob, but here it was important. He was supposed to be an unkempt math teacher, presumably high school. I didn't like his light eyebrows or terribly unkempt hair in the early scenes. Later, I realized that this was his calculated appearance in order to appear rather incognito.In Finding Neverland, Johnny doesn't "get the girl", but here he does, in the end. Johnny has been in a lot of quirky nonromantic parts, including Edward Scissorhands and Willy Wonka. Here, it is more of an adult role which even includes fantasizing about a beautiful woman.Angelina is beautiful and ravishing. She wears beautiful clothes. Her black outfit reminded me of when she was in Maleficent. She has excellent hairstyles. I especially liked her updo at the ball. Despite what detractors have said, I liked it. It was very elegant and sophisticated.It was hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. I had to watch it twice, in order to figure some things out. Look, there's a James Bond, Timothy Dalton, playing a secondary/tertiary part. This is rather shameful, but I realize that ensemble acting does hold a film together. He was the one, near the end, who authorized the shooting of the chief bad guy and all of his goofy minions.10/10 Great.P.S. Depp was reading a spy novel in his opening scene. This must have been a harbinger of the coming storyline, since all I saw later were a bunch of crooks, criminals and villains each trying to grease up their mustaches toward a nifty conclusion after we were kept in suspense a long time.
dbrownridge I just reviewed Chaos, and this is much of the same. A great idea with lazy writing by some mentally disabled con artists who stole another idiots money to make this pile of steaming ____ (fill in the blank). OK, so it's entertaining in some ways, BUT to me that's not enough, the plot still has to hold together somehow. And I know all about 'suspension of disbelief', but this is just too much !! WORST OF ALL, the hole came right at the end of the movie, so they really sucked me in !! SO, Depp and Jolie are with the CIA or whomever, Depp is a master thief but has fooled the CIA. The climax comes as the REALLY Bad Guys want Depp to open a safe or they kill Jolie. Thankfully just as he is about to do it, the CIA kills the Bad Guys. Then there's a radio call that the Master Thief guy has been caught. ALL THE CIA AGENTS RUN AWAY AND LEAVE Depp, the real Master Thief, alone with his girl Jolie. With no one around except a bunch of dead guys in an expensive hotel suite, not even the manager has come around, Depp opens the safe and they run away with the money, AND give the 'finger' to the obsessed agent pursuing them.... YEAH, OK, MAKES SENSE TO ME ! d-OH ...