| 06 November 2007 (USA)
Noise Trailers

A man who is being driven crazy by the noise in New York City decides to take vigilante action against it.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Michael O'Keefe This quirky comedy finds David Owen(Tim Robbins)slowly becoming obsessed with the noise on New York City streets. Trash trucks, motorcycles, speeding cars, car horns and the biggest offender to David's ears and inner peace is car alarms. The distracting sound of a constant car alarm renders him frustrated, impotent and psychotic. Owen instead of being powerless to the incessant noise, begins letting the air out of tires, busting windshields and cutting battery cables. After losing his job, wife(Bridget Moynahan) and daughter...David takes on his irrational vigilante justice full time and becomes known to the public... and NYC mayor(William Hurt)as "The Rectifier". Cerebral comedy, dark humor and strong sexual situations provides NOISE with substance. Others in the cast: Maria Ballesteros, William Baldwin, Margarita Levieva, Gabrielle Brennan and Chuck Cooper.
rgcustomer I enjoyed the movie.There are some truly blissful moments, such as the first time a wailing car gets what's coming to it, or when the mayor suffers an even greater offence than our hero. Truly, these are worth the price of admission, just to see.But the movie stumbles in places, trying to get all philosophical on us at points. I don't care about Hegel. Hegel's dead. Let's move on. To a three-way? What's that about? Seriously, someone this obsessed with car alarms isn't having a three-way. Or a two-way for that matter. Let him be the hero he is. That's enough.Some other comments claimed to point to "hypocrisy". Not so. All of the sounds that he appreciated were sounds that many people want to hear, like a live music performance in your own home -- a sound created specifically to be appreciated and admired. Few people actually want to hear car alarms under any circumstances, or jackhammers, or garbage trucks, or any of the other utterly pointless noises that fill a city.But, in summary, I did enjoy the film, and I was lucky enough not to be interrupted by the jerk two floors up from me who likes to blare his stereo (with sub-woofer) at all hours of the evening and night, into the morning. The police do nothing.It's foolish to think a film will spur action, but at least we can enjoy it for 90 minutes or so.
lastliberal Now, if I hadn't had sex with Bridget Moynahan in a month, I really don't think a car alarm would have interrupted me. Having said that I am in complete agreement with David (Tim Robbins). Car alarms, motorcycles, those damn beep beep phones - they should all be dealt with in the most severe manner. David has the guts the rest of us lack.David did give them a chance. The legal system refused to enforce the law, so he justifiably took matters into his own hands. (It's in the Declaration of Independence.) Of course, he did jail time. He was fired, and his wife kicked him out.He eventually joins forces with Ekaterina Filippovna (Margarita Levieva), and they manage to rile the Mayor (William Hurt). But, they do pick up a new partner (María Ballesteros) for their after hours fun.This was a hilarious movie about how we need to take a stand for our neighbors. Really.Oh, yeah, his wife takes him back in the end. Good for her.
TheEmulator23 This is one of those topics I can relate to a little more than most people as I hate noise & have no idea how those in big cities, New York especially how people get any sleep at all! It astounds me that people can stand all the noise out there these days. The basic plot of the film is that it makes for an interesting topic. It's too bad that's about it. Tim Robbbins is decent although except for a couple of scenes (especially with the absolute supermodel looking Margarita Leiveva) he didn't seem to really be altogether there. My biggest hope for this film is that casting agents will see the absolutely stunning & talented actress to boot, Margarita Levieva. She doesn't have a lot to do, but she is supermodel beautiful. Even when they are trying to make her look at more girl next door. It makes me sad that there can be people such as Paris Hilton & Kim Kardashian in the world w/no redeemable skills or talent, to have more fame and success than this talented beauty. I didn't care for much of this film because the script isn't very good, but am glad I got to see some new talent. I hope that producers & directors think about Margarita when they need a beautiful new actress to be in there big budget film. If they can make Megan Fox a star (c'mon she isn't that hot, & her acting "talent" is worse than made-for Disney channel TV shows) from 1 film, it should happen easily for her, as she is gorgeous & has talent! I'd recommend her changing her last name so we can pronounce it and make it more marketable. Here's hoping this makes her career, & if there is any justice she can pop up on some big summer movie or two in the next couple years.
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