R | 12 September 2011 (USA)
Intruders Trailers

Though no one can see him, Hollow Face lurks in the corners, desperately desiring love but only knowing how to spread fear and hate. He creeps into the life of John Farrow after Farrow’s beloved 13-year-old daughter Mia is assaulted in their home. The line between the real and the imaginary blurs as fissures start to open within the family unit. It seems that no security measure can keep Hollow Face out.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Diagonaldi Very well executed
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
OBXconsumer This movie was a real treat to finally find something on Netflix to watch worth the $7.95 I pay each month. If I were you, I would stay away from long reviews and long descriptions and watch this fresh for yourself. Figure it out for yourself because any hints will spoil the movie and take away from its real presentation - it unfolds for you - that is the point. If you like psychology, medical, reasons people do what they do, then it is all there. Plus, Clive Owen is a pleasure to watch. He is an excellent actor and is handsome, which is more than you get from most movies they are throwing together with unknown actors these days. Hunker down for the evening and enjoy. If you still have questions, then you can read all the spoilers.
kosmasp A lot of people are complaining about the pace of the movie. And I do get it, it does take its time. A lot of it. Plus the two story lines are not for everyone either. But in the end it does make sense. Makes it even worth a second viewing if you will. Just to get the dots and connections you might have missed.While the movie is filled with tension, what really fuels it, is Clive Owens performance. It's at least power house what he delivers and it is necessary. I would call this movie not predictable, but maybe some will disagree. Still if you let yourself into the world (one that is well done, by the director), you will have a really good experience with it. And some shockers along the line
Marcel L. I usually love this type of movie: not being full of effects, full of violence and/or gore. But having a story to tell in some "spooky", or more like mysterious kind of way. With brilliant actors and a good twist at the end. In case of "Intruders" though, I was disappointed right from the beginning, as, for an, let's call it "advanced viewer", parts of the conclusion got presented right at the beginning of the movie. From that minute it's just speculating if you are right or wrong. When reaching the end you have to admit you weren't all right, but yeah, you knew it would end like this. This wouldn't be something new or would make a movie really bad, but Intruders got nothing else to shine with. The Plot isn't told in a good way. It's more like waiting for something to happen finally. And when you come to that point, there is no big surprise and not THAT BIG of a story-twist if you ask me. The more than average attempt to build up suspension with a rather "everyday plot" is what's left. It's too bad the movie's ending can't live up to that bit of given suspension. The good actors finally can't rescue this movie after all this. You will reach the point where you just want it to end.I recommend this movie to people who were really surprised at the end of "the sixth sense", which did present the "surprise" right at the beginning too (even if people still say they didn't knew what would happen, I personally can't believe it). For the story, it's more like "the machinist"...maybe. It's a rather calm movie with some "thrilling" effects. But nothing that prevents you from sleeping after seeing it. Also you won't think about it for the next few days, so it's really a gentle experience you want to have sitting at home, not really concentrating, since there's just not much to follow at the screen.Soooo, that's 4 Stars from me for pretty good acting, some thrills, average story, and a well-known but not convincing construction of the movie.
Adam Fillingham I'm a huge fan of horror, British cinema and Clive Owen so I really thought I would be on to a winner here... I was wrong. There were some good parts to the movie. Clive Owen and Ella Purnell's (the young girl) performances were fantastic, the idea was new and fresh and for the easily scared there may be some sleepless nights ahead. But for all its efforts the film was underwhelming, a predictable plot being the tip of the iceberg. The CGI of 'Hollowface' was worse than poor, the cheap scares weren't scary to any seasoned horror fan and it is just boringly slow. After recently watching Sinister this film looked like the Teletubbies in comparison.