PG-13 | 11 November 2011 (USA)
11-11-11 Trailers

After the death of his wife and child, an author travels to Barcelona to see his estranged brother and dying father, where he learns that his life is plagued by events that occur on 11/11/11.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Sameeha Pugh It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
kittenkongshow While it's not great by any means I must admit it held my attention, it's a slow burner which I would call a Thriller more than a horror.The UK DVD release is renamed 666 The Prophecy - stupid as 666 has nothing to do with it! Also the description on the back has little resemblance to the movie.Go in with an open mind and be prepared to either ignore or except it's flaws and it is an interesting film.
Marilyn Campiz When you consider all of the things that are attached to 11/11/11, alignments, mysticism, dreams, hopes and horrors, I could not think of any other movie that fell short of such an opportunity. This movie was hyped as a horror movie, well, if you consider establishing, yet ANOTHER religion, then yes, a great horror took place. The problem with this movie is you don't believe the characters. You don't believe the acting, you don't believe the demons, you don't believe anyone in this movie. You don't believe the main character is in pain. You don't believe he is tormented by his nightmares. You don't believe that anyone around him cares and though this could have been a great script on paper, everything about this movie is more like a cheesy grind house movie, which I would have believed more. There was a story here, and the odd camera shot to capture "The Urantia Book" in the climax scene. I wanted to be sure this movie was as horrible as the first time I saw it, not because I felt any beliefs challenged...hell, I believed in it even less the second time I watched it and wondered in if some strange way if this was more of an infomercial for a new religious cult (yeah, the world needs another one of those), based on the Book of Joseph. The reason why this movie doesn't work, is they failed to meet an expectation of greatness. It could have worked if you had a more believable cast, better special effects, and tighter relationships. As it was, you had a loner in the world, who seemed to blame the world and hate life and his family. Gee, that's compelling. Where was that real crisis point for him? Where was there any sort of anything? We see betrayal all of the time...boring. For me, yaaaawn, it was a bad bedtime story. Grimm Fairy Tales still work for a reason, we want good to win, or at the very least, a good ending.
jackalman22 A title like "11-11-11" is going to attract attention, but it is not the central focus of this movie. What could have been a very clever film ultimately stumbles, not from a lack of creativity, but from unpolished execution. The interactions between brothers Joseph and Samuel feel natural and engaging. Joseph is an atheistic realist, jaded and haunted by the loss of his wife and son. He is also a novelist with a large readership. The film opens by putting us right into Joseph's despair, and while haunted dreams pave the way for plenty of imagery, they are a haphazard way to gain sympathy for a character. That being said, the focus of the movie is not on Joseph's loss, and as such, we're given an adequate snapshot into what he's been through. The movie succeeds in showing Joseph as a man recovering, attempting to seek support from others by staying active and talking about his problems. The movie does not get bogged down on Joseph's career, instead featuring it as an asset that comes back in an important way once the movie comes to a close. Once the plot brings Joseph to Spain, the movie also succeeds in terms of dialogue. Hearing two brothers—one an atheist, one a pastor—banter about faith and religion is an interesting dynamic, one which is sure to evoke responses from viewers. The dialogue avoids being preachy, giving us some nice character idiosyncrasies, all the while leaving the viewers to decide whether or not they side with Samuel or Joseph.Joseph's interactions with Anna and Sadie are underwhelming by contrast. Sadie works as an almost-love interest, however when it comes to standing on her own, she is an afterthought that really only matters once the ending comes full circle. The same can be said for Anna. Both roles were well-acted, but not enough time was spent with them to really pack a punch.A pervasive image in this film is the pattern of the number 11. The film wisely avoids the pitfall of what could've essentially been a ramshackle Da Vinci Code / conspiracy type of movie, and fully acknowledges its presence. The dialogue considers and refutes the idea of the pattern, namely in Joseph's conversations with Samuel and Sadie. Instead of focusing on fear/paranoia, the film humors and refutes the pattern recognition, and then takes us into the existence of the occult.As far as the plot and story are concerned, we have a mixed bag of hits and misses. Suffice it to say, this movie follows the template coined by the Saw franchise. Many seeds are planted throughout the story that lead to a twist ending, and in the last 5 minutes of the movie, a retrospective montage is shown to the viewer, explaining how the main character was manipulated into playing into the antagonist's trickery.Visually, the film takes its time. We are presented with a few "boo" moments, but the bulk of the scares come from lingering, disturbing imagery. Joseph's father is downright creepy, and the demons are menacing. These images are often presented as: we the viewers see them, but the characters on- screen overlook them, moments which serve to heighten tension.At a very high level, this kind of story is effective. When looked at more closely, said effectiveness is only as good as the execution. While the pieces all fit together (the retrospective montage at the end is quite clever), the spoon-fed nature of the manipulation works against the film. Had the Saw-like retrospective not been shown to us, I'm left to wonder how effective the film's ending would have been on its own. Despite how well the pieces fit, the misdirection and manipulation by such a trusted character is muddled by the film glossing over the poignant themes driving the story, and instead barrels forward with the plot a bit too quickly. It's one thing for the details to fit together and make sense, but if their effectiveness hinges on the director explaining them to us, the execution must be re-thought.Many revelations are shown during the climax, and while they all amount to a clever ending, the execution prevents the impact from resonating. Not enough time is spent on, and not enough depth is given to, the supporting characters (specifically their interactions with Samuel). A bit too much time is spent on 11-11, and Joseph becomes too slave to the plot in the third act (as opposed to a strong, active character). Had the planted "seeds" been given their due emphasis, the movie's conclusion would not have flown quite so under the radar.Muddled emphasis and focus are the movie's biggest downfalls. There's a great story to be told about "God vs. Satan" and the way we conceptualize religion—specifically the subjective natures of good vs. evil, and the way in which the masses perceive it— but it gets diluted by the 11-11 symbolism and detective-story antics. Other poignant topics include: the strength of a book and the weight of its readership/influence. I for one would have been very impressed had the film tread into territory where it caused viewers to actually question "which side" they believed in, whether the story we know about 'Jesus' and 'God' came about in a manner similar how Satan and Samuel do so in the conclusion of this film.Ultimately, the movie approaches interesting topics, but never fully commits to them. It gets bogged down on symbolism, and the under- developed characters are unable to uphold a very clever, interesting plot. I'm convinced this movie should not have been called '11-11-11.' The title grabs attention, however (like the film itself) it draws attention away from the real focus this story could have had.I liked this movie, but I wanted to like it more. Misdirection and manipulation are effective storytelling strategies, however they should not come at the cost of half-execution, or spoon-feeding the viewer.
jack_face 11-11-11 was almost as bad as discussion forums say it is. The cinematography was on point, the acting was good, and the plot was engaging enough but it only had TV movie quality and the climax was terrible with unnecessary special effects to match. Costumes and makeup were equally as terrible. The script was bad. You expect more from Darren Lynn Bousman but you're not gonna get it here. It's low budget all the way but if it had a better script, I think he could've made it work. The payoff isn't good. You'll feel like you wasted your time because the ending is so poorly done. The Collector and The Woman in Black are good examples of how things should happen when trapped inside of a house of freaks. Not that The Collector is a good movie in comparison to The Woman in Black, which is a damn good movie and recommended, but it's the path that 11-11-11 should've followed in act three leading up to the climax. As it is, the ending comes across as going through a county fair haunted house ride. The movie isn't completely bad because I watched the whole movie but definitely not great. I've seen worse (Ultraviolet, The Day the Earth Stood Still).