R | 01 November 2011 (USA)
11/11/11 Trailers

Jack and Melissa are frightened by their son's bizarre and violent behavior; they soon learn that he is the gateway to the Apocalypse, and it will happen on his birthday, 11-11-11.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Michael O'Keefe Jack Vales(Jon Biddell), a college professor, along with his wife Melissa(Erin Coker) and son Nat(Hayden Byerly), move to a new neighborhood, where the neighbors seems a bit odd and peculiar. Life soon becomes unlike a storybook. Nat's behavior takes a bizarre twist, but not enough to be frightened of, yet. Melissa learns she is with child and needs constant bed rest; thus a nanny for Nat must be hired. The new nanny is Denise(Aurelia Scheppers), who's attitude is a bit childlike and...well, mean. The Vales don't realize that their son will turn into the devil on his upcoming 11th birthday on 11/11/11. As for the strange neighbors, they are all devil worshipers, who can't wait for the boy to take his reign. Horrible acting and not so good special effects. The only thing I really liked was...well, the nanny. Miss Scheppers is totally hot. Also in the cast: Tracy Pulliam, Madonna Magee and Rebecca Sigl.
s_albert I'm so disappointed to rate this film so low. I love a good Satanic apocalypse! The problem is, there was nothing scary, heart-pounding, or creepy about it whatsoever. In a nutshell, here's the scoop: A family moves to Nowheresville, USA including a 10-year-old boy who's scheduled to turn 11 on November 11, 2011. We know things will go awry when the kid makes the astounding revelation that the numbers in the address of their house total 11 - ooh, scary. So, gradually, the kid (albeit quiet from the get-go) starts acting weirder and weirder as the fateful date approaches, including knowing his mom's pregnant before she does.There are a bunch of weirdos around town including a dingbat old lady who's continually looking for her cat (which has no relevance to the movie other than its powdery corpse later found under the boy's bed), and the realtor they purchased the house through who ends up being apart of a Satanic cult. How they knew the child demon seed was moving to town, I don't know, nor will you. I know what you're thinking - this might still be okay, right? Kinda like a modern-day The Omen. Sorry, no dice.So, dingbat keeps trying to lure the kid to her place where she can kill him because she knows he's destined to be the son of Satan. So, the obvious question is, why does he need to come to your place to be killed? Drop a boulder on the kid...hello? Anyway, dingbat strikes out as do several others who try to spill the beans on the local Satanists and find an early demise for their troubles.But don't worry, the Satanic posse has an inside mole...a nanny who looks like a witch's apprentice (just the type I like for my kids). I love the part when the dad discovers the nanny's manipulating the boy including teaching him about the apocalypse and scratching his body with this chicken claw thing...and what does he do? Why, go to work of course. Call the cops? Nah.But he'll be sorry, cuz when he comes home, the boy's gone off the deep end and is suddenly looking to open a can of whoop-ass Satan-style. A bunch of people die in a sort of ho-hum fashion, including the kid and I practically fall asleep from the lack of scare, thrill or creep.I'd like to see this movie remade with the boy just as a normal kid who the Satanic cult insists is the son of Satan. Then it's like a Taken meets Damien Omen -- THAT I could sink my teeth into. Geeze, I should write scripts...Oh wait, I already do.
kleezy2012 This has got to be the worst movie I've ever seen. The blood looked so fake. When the evil babysitter beats up the other baby sitter, it just looks so fake. I hate how the boy has no lines in this whole movie. This movie doesn't deserve to even be out. It's that bad. Whoever made this movie should be fired. It doesn't even deserve one star, it deserves like -10 stars. It's just that bad. This movie didn't scare me one little bit. Worst "scary movie" ever award right here. The ending when he kills his son, yes, again looks so fake. The ending makes no sense. So was his son the devil? or was the baby inside his wife the devil they were all talking about? Did he kill his wife and son and didn't know it or didn't mean to? Just such a dumb movie to me. It will never be recommended.
marbleann This is one of those so bad it's good movies. First off this family moves to this college town. It seems like they have a house on campus but I am not sure. But mention was made of the neighbor living on the campus for years. The husband has gotten a job working at the school. Where he replaced a Professor who ran off, disappeared or was killed.The family has a son who I thought was possessed from the start. He rarely utters a word. People talk to him but he doesn't talk back. He has no reaction to anything. Even a person getting run over by a truck. The mother I think is a little odd too. She seems to be put off and annoyed with everybody. The husband seems to be the only person in the family that acts normal. I am not sure if the mother kind of knew about her son or just was not attentive. Because the boy utters to his mother something about her being pregnant and she says she is not pregnant. But a few scenes later we find out she is. Why didn't the mother think it was odd that her son seemed to be some type of fetus whisperer.The doctor tells the wife and husband that she has to stay still and in bed because she might lose the baby. Well the next thing you know he tells them they get a nurse and a nanny for the boy. Their health plan takes care of that. I can see a nurse but a nanny too. Must be a special health plan. Well that was just a way to get some of the cult members in the house to watch the boy and the mother.There is a crazy neighbor who is trying to kill the boy before his 11th birthday which falls on 11/11/11. Yes because of that he is going to be responsible for the Apocalypse and that is what they want to happen. My question what about all the other soon to be 11 year old with the same birthday? In any case the father soon sees something is up and he tries to stop it. Now I am not going to tell the end. But let's say numerous people are killed including a cop being blown up and no one seems to notice. I have to mention also that the whole town does not belong to this cult. The cops obviously are not in it. So why no mention of all of these dead bodies that keep on turning up? People are getting killed in broad daylight. And there is the required levitation scene that all of these types of movies must have.I say if you love movies that are so bad they are good, take a look. But if you don't, skip it because you will never get that time back. For you folks I told some of the plot and plot pot holes so you can decide if you want to waste your time or not. I understand there is a sequel, hopefully it doesn't disappoint and it is as awful as this movie is.