The Manchurian Candidate
The Manchurian Candidate
R | 30 July 2004 (USA)
The Manchurian Candidate Trailers

Years after his squad was ambushed during the Gulf War, Major Ben Marco finds himself having terrible nightmares. He begins to doubt that his fellow squad-mate Sergeant Raymond Shaw, now a vice-presidential candidate, is the hero he remembers him being. As Marco's doubts deepen, Shaw's political power grows, and, when Marco finds a mysterious implant embedded in his back, the memory of what really happened begins to return.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Matt Greene What it lacks in subtlety it makes up for in blandness. The performances are great, but they spend so much time uncomfortably staring directly through the screen and into my soul that I can't ignore the overtly broad and ridiculously conspiratorial dialogue. I really should've watched the original first.
SnoopyStyle Captain Ben Marco (Denzel Washington) leads an unit during Desert Storm that gets ambushed. Sergeant Raymond Shaw (Liev Schreiber) is not particularly liked by the men but he becomes the hero who saves the unit. Corp. Al Melvin (Jeffrey Wright) comes to Marco with disturbing dreams. Marco also has the same dream and starts to investigate what really happened during the incident. The hero Shaw is pushed by his overbearing Senator mother Eleanor Prentiss Shaw (Meryl Streep) to become the VP nominee over rival Senator Tom Jordan (Jon Voight).I like this a little bit more than the original. I like the premise in this one but it's still outlandish. The acting is superior. Schreiber has a creepiness and Washington is a pure leading man. Meryl Streep is amazing as a stage-mom monster. I still have a problem with the premise. Also there is no surprise since it's a remake. Nevertheless, this is an effective remake.
david-sarkies I guess in a new age of hysteria and paranoia where people believe that terrorists could be hiding next door, or plotting the next attack on American soil, that a remake of this movie needed to come out. However the problem is that the premise of this movie changes somewhat from the communist conspiracy that planned on placing a hypnotised vice president into the White House to control at will to a shadowy equity fund doing the same thing, but also setting up a presidential assassination on election night to drive the American people into such fear that they would pretty much give up all of their freedom for security.This seems to be one of those things with the American society, the conflict between freedom and security – we want to be secure from our enemies but we do not want to give up our freedoms to gain that security. Obviously there is also that argument that if you are not doing anything wrong then there is nothing to worry about, and that is all well and good until you suddenly discover that the things that you do have suddenly been made illegal, or you are arrested on trumped up charges.This film, like the book, is about fear, paranoia, and control. It is interesting that they never actually say which political party the candidate represents, and there is no actual mention of the War on Terror, or the War in Iraq, but I guess it is a warning as to how things can move. Granted America has enemies – everybody has enemies – it is a natural part of life, but the question comes down to how does one respond to those enemies, and is one doing things that is creating more of those enemies.Some have suggested that this film is just some paranoid left-wing conspiracy, but to be honest with you, I have seen some videos produced by some conspiracy theorists on the far right that are just as out there as this film. I consider myself somewhat left leaning (though not extreme as some are, though I suspect compared to the average American I probably am quite extreme) but generally ignore theories such as the American Government blew up the twin towers to start the war on terror, though I have watched some of those documentaries and it is scary the amount of research that they seem to put into them, and they are quite convincing. However, most of these videos usually come down to one argument, and that the American nationalism, which is not left wing, but right wing to the extreme.
janewashington88 This version of the movies is a bridge to the show "Homeland"-some interesting real-life history about both of them at version of the movies is a bridge to the show "Homeland"-some interesting real-life history about both of them at version of the movies is a bridge to the show "Homeland"-some interesting real-life history about both of them at
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