Corky Romano
Corky Romano
PG-13 | 12 October 2001 (USA)
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Corky Romano is a bumbling, simpleton, veterinarian and the youngest, outcast son of an aging gangster, named Pops Romano, who calls upon Corky to infiltrate the local FBI and retrieve and destroy evidence being used to incriminate Pops for racketeering charges.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
SnoopyStyle The FBI is after mob boss Pops Romano (Peter Falk). Leo Corrigan (Fred Ward) is his right hand man but also FBI's secret informant. Pops' violent sons illiterate Paulie (Peter Berg) and secretly gay Peter (Chris Penn) work closely with him. Pops decides to plant his estrange son Corky (Chris Kattan) as a mole inside the FBI. Corky is a clueless, bumbling veterinarian who was kicked out of the home after his mother's death. A hacker gives him the false identity of FBI agent Pissant. His bumbling ways start solving cases which impresses FBI director Howard Shuster (Richard Roundtree). Agent Kate Russo (Vinessa Shaw) is on the case. Agent Brick Davis (Matthew Glave) is suspicious of Corky.This is stupid but not stupid enough to be truly funny. Corky is not necessarily that likable although he does grow on me. The set up for the plot is bad. It doesn't make sense that the informant Leo doesn't tell the FBI especially since he's the one who suggests Corky. Leo should not know anything about Corky infiltrating the FBI. It might improve if Corky is stupider and the story less stupid. The writing is bad all over. Corky could have worked as a character but not in this movie.
zardoz-13 Nice guys finish first in director Rob Pritt's "Corky Romano," and the bad guys lose out in the end. As the incredibly naive and gullible title hero, gifted "Saturday Night Live" comedian Chris Kattan does everything short of faking his own death to divert attention from the utterly preposterous, predictable, and derivative David Garret & Jason Ward screenplay. Essentially, these scribes have recycled the ruse Martin Lawrence's "Blue Streak" jewel thief adopted to recover a diamond. Posing as an FBI super-agent with fabulous but forged credentials, Lawrence searched sporadically for the gemstone when his FBI bosses weren't assigning him other cases. Similarly, Kattan impersonates a Fed, so he can steal evidence that the government has amassed to indict our hero's Mafioso father for murder. Sadly, despite a cornucopia of comedy, the big laughs are few and far between in this mildly scatological, low-brow, dumb-shtick farce. The best jokes are the hardest to spot. Hint: keep your eyes on neckties. Further, the writers named an FBI agent after the 'Brick' Davis character played by James Cagney in the 1935 movie "G-Men." Talk about an esoteric in-joke! Anyway, as with the best comics, Kattan and a seasoned cast featuring "Columbo's" Peter Falk, Fred Ward, Peter Berg, Chris Penn, and Richard Roundtree of "Shaft" fame maintain straight faces throughout this elaborately plotted potboiler. They remain oblivious to its many stupid, sometimes flatulent, but more often than not infantile sense of humor.Basically, Don Corleone crime lord Pops Romano is looking at serving considerable time in a Federal correctional facility. Government prosecutors have nailed down more than enough airtight evidence to convict this godfather. Pops suspects their information came from an informant. Up front we're told Romano's right-hand man Leo Corrigan (Fred Ward of "Miami Blues") ratted him out. Pops wants one of their guys to infiltrate the FBI. Neither of Romano's sons, the functionally illiterate Paulie (Peter Berg of "Lions for Lambs") nor repressed homosexual Peter (Chris Penn of "True Romance"), can go undercover because they are too well known. Leo suggests Corky Romano (Chris Kattan) to everybody's horror. Peter has credentials fabricated so their kid brother boasts an elite record beyond reproach. Were Corky a typical, ordinary guy, perhaps the Feds might swallow this subterfuge. Corky Romano is too bizarre. An aspiring veterinarian, he works at an animal hospital and has a winsome way with critters. He drives a mustard-yellow Miata and sings along with songs like Ah-Ha's "Take Me On." Harmlessly eccentric, Corky has no mean bones in his body. He believes Pops owns a simple landscaping business. Never does he suspect dad is a big-time racketeer into prostitution and illegal gambling.Corky has no trouble fooling the FBI that he is legitimate. He butts head with gung-ho FBI guy Brick Davis (Matthew Glave of "Rock Star") and gets the hots for sexy special agent Kate Russo (Vinessa Shaw). Meanwhile, FBI Supervisor Howard Shuster (Richard Roundtree of "Shaft's Big Score") assigns Corky to find the Night Vulture, a homicidal heroin dealer. As Chris Kattan's first solo starring role, "Corky Romano" qualifies as hopelessly cretinous but tolerably amusing.
jcvincent1986 Corky Romano is I believe a good movie. Well of course not a good movie in terms of story line but good enough. The good thing about this movie is the hilarious parts. Honestly I don't know Chris Kattan before I watched this movie. I just saw it's poster on a mall and I decided to watch. Why? I don't know why did I watched this movie, but to tell you, I really had a great time laughing all by myself inside that cinema. That's the time when the movie CORKY ROMANO became one of my all time favorite comedy.Sometimes the story seems nonsense. But that's the beauty of it. This movie never makes you think of anything. It just makes you laugh. I recommended this movie to a friend of mine and he liked it as well. Although we have the same reaction.... The story is not impressive. 4/10 for story.. But who cares? This movie just made my day..Good choice if you want to relax and just laugh for an hour and a half.
patrick_bateman_esquire I have never seen a film that was more irritating than this. I mean, get on your nerves, get on your shoe, can't scrape it off with a stick kind of irritating. Should we blame Chris Kattan for his pathetic and failed attempt at physical comedy or the hopeless moron that wrote this drivel? Well, why not both? Kattan is awful! There are numerous scenes where his attempt at physical comedy is confusing, but in an infuriating way. It is as if he was receiving the wrong motivation for each scene. You sit there watching and instead of smiling, you just get irritated. It is so far from funny that words cannot begin to describe it. I have had better times at the dentist and at funerals than I did at this hunk of ..... Just avoid it.