An Officer and a Gentleman
An Officer and a Gentleman
R | 28 July 1982 (USA)
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Zack Mayo is an aloof, taciturn man who aspires to be a navy pilot. Once he arrives at training camp for his 13-week officer's course, Mayo runs afoul of abrasive, no-nonsense drill Sergeant Emil Foley. Mayo is an excellent cadet, but a little cold around the heart, so Foley rides him mercilessly, sensing that the young man would be prime officer material if he weren't so self-involved. Zack's affair with a working girl is likewise compromised by his unwillingness to give of himself.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
eric262003 In the eight years I've been posting reviews on IMDb, I usually like to review the classics over the more recent fare of films, primarily to see if the older movies still ignite flames even to this day forward and partially in my young life I missed a lot of the more adult movies because at one time I had a zero interest in them. Even though "An Officer and a Gentleman" came out in 1982, six years after I was born, I only just recently stumbled across it recently (sorry for my tardiness), just because my elders talked so much about it so I just wanted to know what the hype was about and to see if it will leave me with a lasting impression.For those who never seen the film it stars Richard Gere as a young man named Zack Mayo who has recently checked himself into the Navy OCS located in Washington. From the early scenes we discover that Mayo's life was not a very pleasant one. At a very young age, his mother killed herself and was forced to stay with his father (Robert Loggia) while stationed in the Philippines. His father's nurturing was absent since all he had on his mind was drinking and chasing prostitutes. Zach wasn't really prepared for the tough regiments that the OCS had to offer as he struggling in terms of handling commitment let alone following authoritative figures.Mayo is under the tutelage of gunnery Sgt. Emil Foley (Louis Gossett Jr.) and it comes to no surprise that their encountering is just on the horizon. Mayo seems to excel quite well on the physical initiatives that the Navy has to offer, but academically is quite the other story. This leads to Mayo forming a friendship with a fellow classmate named Sid Worley (David Keith) as he will do everything he can to get Mayo into the Aerodynamics class in exchange for immaculate belt- buckles and boots whenever there's a barracks inspection. The main setting for this movie is set in the OCS, there's also a vital subplot that involves Zach, Sid and a couple of girls "Puget Debs" who they meet when they're off campus during their weekend. The two ladies are Paula Pokrifki (Debra Winger) and Lynette Pomeroy (Lisa Blount) who a scrounging for military meat in hopes for a quick marriage proposal. These Puget Debs play riskier attempts to get their catch like faking their pregnancies or other things like that. Paula hooks up with Zach while Lynette is onto Sid.The rest of the way it's Zach trying to get through 13 weeks of OCS training and while getting adjusted to Paula. Since Zach is the titular character, fans seem to pretty much know the outcome of the story, but that doesn't deprive itself from being entertaining. After 33 years, I can safely say that "An Officer and a Gentleman" has aged quite gracefully. There are a lot of wonderful scenes with many authentic scenes that just can't be beat. Who could forget when Zach confesses to Sgt. Foley "I got nowhere else to go", plus the final scene where Mayo is now an ensign finds Paula and walks out with her to the applause of his colleagues. The pacing was also very well structured. Even though the film was almost at the two hour mark, there was never a boring moment and that was because the romantic scenes never interfered with the OCS scenes and it flowed in a more natural way. We also deeply care about the characters and we hope that Zach and Paula stay a couple and hope they live a happy life after the credits roll. Overall this movie gets a 9/10 that's highly recommended, even if you're a late bloomer like me, it's better late than never if you haven't seen this movie. It still holds up today since its release back in 1982.
Robert Thompson (justbob1982) Version I saw: UK Bluray releaseActors: 7/10Plot/script: 7/10Photography/visual style: 6/10Music/score: 5/10Overall: 7/10The final scene of this film has been referenced a billion times, and goes down as one of the most cheesy you have ever seen. Just the sound of 'Up Where We Belong' is enough to bring on your worst 'school disco' nightmares.And while the rest of the film is very much honed toward delivering a happy ending that comes from a dark enough place to deliver as a surprise twist, there is also plenty of time for a surprisingly gritty military drama. Richard Gere is a more nuanced character than most parts he plays, and Louis Gossett Jr. stands out as his harsh-but-fair training instructor.For my full review, see my independent film blog on Blogspot, Cinema Inferno:
FilmBuff1994 An Officer and a Gentleman is a great movie with a simple storyline that is very easy to follow but still very enjoyable,a very talented cast and a really beautiful soundtrack.I really enjoyed the love story in this movie between Richard Gere and Debra Winger,it was very realistic and unlike most romantic movies,they didn't make it too sweet,they kept it a serious and dramatic relationship that had a lot of problems instead of making them just be in love with each other for the entire movie.The movie certainly deserved both Academy Awards,Louis Gossett Jr gave a fantastic performance and Up Where We Belong is a really nice song.I would recommend An Officer and a Gentleman to fans of both romance and war movies,it dosen't focus too much on one,it focuses enough on both perfectly and one of the sweetest endings i've ever seen in a movie.Zack Mayo (Richard Gere),an uptight man training to be a navy pilot finds maturity through the love of Paula Pokrifki (Debra Winger).
pc95 One of the stronger movies of the 80s decade, Taylor Hackford's "An Officer and a Gentleman" covers a wide gamut of themes and emotions. It takes place in the Navy, and features stories of friendship, romance, and love. Richard Gere does a great job with his emotional acting, but less so with his physical acting as he seems hardly coordinated or athletic enough to convey leading his class. Anyway probably most who have seen this movie will tell you they particularly enjoyed Louis Gossett Jr. Oscar worthy and winning supporting performance as a tough and entertaining Drill Sargent. I would particularly agree, Gossett Jr. is witty and at times sardonic. The friction between characters Gere's Mayo and Gossett Jr Foley seems a little out of place, but still manages to be watchable. The Romanticism and love interest are a little better, with Winger looking stunning and acting more naturally than Gere. The photography and outdoor scenes especially are gorgeously shot. Fairly good soundtrack as well. Give this effort a solid 7.5/10 and recommended.