| 01 April 2007 (USA)
Persuasion Trailers

Royal Navy captain Wentworth was haughtily turned down eight years ago as suitor of pompous baronet Sir Walter Elliot's daughter Anne, despite true love. Now he visits their former seaside country estate, rented by his brother-in-law, admiral Croft, so the financially stressed baronet can afford a fashionable, cheaper residence in trendy Bath. First the former lovers meet again on the estate, where they feel vibes again, but neither dares admit them until it seems too late.

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
hotrina89 Coming from a person that loves Jane Austen movies and not ever to read her actual books, this movie was absolutely boring. I am used to the main character being.. Interesting, or the plot and the side stories to help with that. Anne was so boring I wanted to shoot myself, she barely speaks and she keeps blinking as though she has something in her eyes (drove me insane). She would often open her mouth and nothing would come out. Her hairstyle was dreadful, she was an unattractive female so it was very hard to believe that a good looking rich man would desperately want a quiet, unattractive woman that seems to have no backbone and that is easily "persuaded" to do what others want her to do. This is so far my least favorite of Jane Austen's movies, pride and prejudice is the best, following sense and sensibility.
floppyearsthbunny I loved this version of Jane Austen's Persuasion. It convinced me to start reading other works by her, so I felt I had to defend it. It has some differences from the book, but none that annoyed me after having read the book. In fact, I loved this ending better. When I reached parts I remembered from this adaptation in the book, it only made me enjoy it more and smile.Another thing I liked was the characters really honestly felt real. It didn't feel sappy at all. I identified with Anne and her struggles myself.Finally, I really enjoyed the scenery. Some of the rooms were really gorgeous as well as the costumes which were very beautiful. They seemed to benefit the characters, not take away from their performance.
iloveUGA123 I ended up watching this version before I watched the 1995 BBC version, and I loved it! I enjoyed it so much that later I decided to finally watch the BBC version. I did enjoy it, and they were both very similar, it's just that the actors for this version were much, much more attractive than those on the 1995 version. I actually thought that the acting was better in this version, and I enjoyed it much more! I love what the movie is about, and how after they finally see each other 8 or 9 years later, you can still tell that they are head over heels for each other! You could tell that Captain Wentworth was still very hurt by Anne, but that he still loved her so much, and just didn't want to show that he did because he was so hurt by her. Captain Wentworth's plan did work, because Anne was very jealous and sad whenever he was around Henrietta or Louisa, and acted like he really liked them. It looked to me like she tried to make it seem as if she didn't really care at times, but you know that she really does. I would highly recommend watching this movie because I know that you would enjoy it if you like these kind of movies!
speedo58 Rupert Penry-Jones's Captain Wentworth behaved as a military man would be expected to behave. He is intelligent, disciplined, decisive, ego-driven. We aren't given histrionic acting, but a performance where a slight widening of the eyes, twitching of a jaw muscle, a gaze held a little long, convey what we need to know about Captain Wentworth's inner thoughts. His blondness contrasts with the darker coloring of the other young males and lends him a golden air. I think Penry-Jones is a fine actor, and found it sad that he writes in his quotes on his profile that "I've worked for years to get the career I have now, so to find I need a break is quite disappointing!". He has won two acting awards to date and he has several projects in the works, so I hope that he has received the break he wished for.Some see Persuasion as a book of a revenant made human, others as a second chance at love in a time of social change. If I had written the explanation of how Anne's home became Captain Wentworth's wedding gift to her, Sir Walter would have been totally bankrupt and forced to sell, William Elliot so disgraced that he renounced his entailment, and the duplicitous Mrs. Clay out of the Elliot's life forever.