PG-13 | 20 March 2012 (USA)
Shuffle Trailers

Lovell Milo is a man who begins experiencing his life out of order; every day he wakes up at a different age, on a different day of his life, never knowing where or when he’s going to be once he falls asleep. He’s terrified and wants it to stop - until he notices a pattern in his experience, and works to uncover why this is happening to him - and what or who is behind it.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
iforgot17125 Okay, direct to DVD's are usually unoriginal, badly cast, and have lazy performances. This had none of those problems. It had three actors from the show Bones, which usually is terrible when TV actors do a movie between the break, but they were all enjoyable, especially Ty Thyne. Newcomers like Paula Rhodes were excellent, and I felt like the story was beautiful. Despite bad production values you never want to leave the screen. This captures you in ways most films forget to do: story, characters, humor, heartbreak, and balances them so well. While I don't like most dramas for trying too hard this film never seems to force emotion out of you, you give it freely. My only complaint is the lighting department gave it a strange look, and the cameras were bad. Other than that, the film making is surprisingly spot on, check it out, it's on Netflix.
ersinkdotcom I never feel more like an idiot than when I write a movie off or judge the proverbial book by its cover and then watch it only to discover what a gem I almost passed up. The indie film "Shuffle" is a perfect example of my narrow-mindedness. What sounds like a low-budget straight-to-DVD knock-off of "The Butterfly Effect" is so much more and is teeming with heart that movie could only dream of mustering up.A man named Lovell Milo begins waking up in different eras of his life. He's living out of order and aware of it. Cryptic messages from individuals in each time period tell him to pay attention so he can help save someone's life.Director Kurt Kuenne perfectly captures on film so much genuine emotion it's almost overwhelming to watch at times. Not overwhelming in a bad way. It's in that roller-coaster ride kind of a way. I can only compare viewing "Shuffle" to living an entire life and its experiences in an hour and a half. Every emotional sensation you could possibly encounter runs through your body as you take it in.All of the actors in the film give outstanding performances. TJ Thyne ("Bones") pours his entire inner self into the role of Lovell Milo. I can't imagine how hard it was for each actor to keep up with what season in their character's life they were emulating at any given moment.Dylan Spraberry does an incredible job portraying Lovell as a young boy. It had to be difficult because he plays a child who knows the future but at his actual age. This isn't a remake of "Freaky Friday" or "Vice Versa." He's 11 or 12 years old but knows what the future holds for him. Taking on a role that complex is a heavy load for any young actor to bear."Shuffle" is an uncommon film to find these days. It's a sci-fi time travel thriller which draws comparisons to movies like "The Butterfly Effect" and "Memento." Unlike many films of this nature, it ends on a high note. The journey to its conclusion is troubled and dramatic but the finale is exhilarating and doesn't leave you despondent. It's as close to a thoroughly balanced film as you can get these days.
marcolopes Gosh!!!! I wish i could give this movie a 10! After seeing "Validation" short movie so many times, i was already a fan of TJ Thyne. Well, he does not disappoint in Shuffle, neither any of the other actors. The plot is clever, the photography is amazing (the B&W really works!), and time flew by as i was living the story... until the VERY END almost ruined it all! I agree with other review here... After those last minutes, i felt like i was slapped on the face, after being swept away! I did not understand the need of that last scene, as everything falls in place without it.Watch it if you can. It's a very nice piece of cinema art! P.S: Only after yesterday's episode of "Bones" i realized that Thyne is Dr. Jack Hodgins!! Maybe my head was focused because i was "getting shuffled" latter on!
Lloyd Vinnik I'm always a bit leery of direct-to-video flicks (something HAS to be wrong with it, right?) this case, apparently distributors wouldn't touch it because they perceived (OBVIOUSLY without seeing it) that it was too much like Chris Nolan's "Memento" (it's NOT). I'd compare it more to Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five," but only superficially. This is ORIGINAL, and it's A MASTERPIECE. It's a delicate jigsaw puzzle of a film which, once it settles into where it's going, will have you RIVETED. And it's OVERPOWERINGLY romantic. The cast is brilliant (I fell completely in love with Paula Rhodes, despite the fact that I'm gay), and the screenplay is pure art. Writer-director Kuenne also composed the score, which is RAVISHING. See this with someone you love, and afterwards you can both scratch your heads as to how the 'geniuses' that run the studios couldn't see clear to give it a theatrical run.