The Time Shifters
The Time Shifters
PG-13 | 17 October 1999 (USA)
The Time Shifters Trailers

Tom Merrick gets caught up in a time-traveling conspiracy and must set the timeline right before it is irrevocably altered.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Carsten Corleis Sometimes, you will find a little gem between all the cheap and poor B-movies that was aired all night on TV. "Thrill Seekers" is really one of this seldom gems and shows clearly, that you don't need a few 100-million dollars to made a good movie. The story makes it! And the story of the tourists from the future that traveling along the time-line to visit disasters of the past, is a very good plot. Our hero (living in our time) examines some old photos of disasters and make a very strange discovery... I will do not spoil the movie for you, but the many surprises and a lot of good twists (especially the last, and i mean the really very last :-) make it better than a lot of big Hollywood films that only works with massive action and CG-effects to cover a weak plot. Yes, you will probably find some logical errors in the film, but if you make a movie about time-travels, you can't avoid it, because nobody knows, what is really a logical error when time-travel warp the logic, or that, what we called logic, itself. So, what is going on when you go back in time and change the past... will you change the future, or some alternate futures in a multilevel universe? Who knows! And perhaps some visitors of the future are already among us... maybe it's a good idea to examine the photos of yesterdays disasters again and more exactly... I give it a 7 of 10. It is really worth to see it!
victorelu Watching the movie last night on the TV i can surely make some remarks: Good beginning. It was entertaining the way that guy went through the disasters and appeared in the pictures.. it made you think about who is he and where does he come from. The part that he is a Thrill Seeker sucked. I am sure there could have been other ideas, better than that. I liked the love story between the main two characters and the general idea of going through the time. This is not the place to comment on the effects of going into time =>there are a lot of places where that can be discussed but in the general it was interesting. It was an enjoyable movie to watch although the ending was very predictable ( we don't like that now-a-days, do we? ) I give it a 5/10 as for encouraging but it could have been much better.
Jugu Abraham I will not remember this film for the performances or the direction even though these departments were not awful. What made me like the movie was the appeal of the sci-fi story. The plot was good and of course could have been burnished into an elegant film with some effort. The film leaves you satisfied right up to the last frame of the film--don't miss it.I particularly liked the development of the character of FBI agent Stanton with his watch. I only wish the director had thought of giving the character more time on screen.
V-Man Despite its low budget and production and unlike many other time travel movies this one deals with the consequences which are believable. You will find yourself sympathizing with both the "good guys" and the "bad guys" who are just doing their job in preventing change in time. Suppose you stop a plane from crashing which had a person aboard who would later plot to kill thousands of people, or save a person from a car accident who would later have a negative impact on life. If we had the technology to go back, would we save the victims from the titanic, or the hundreds of plane crashes that have claimed thousands of lives. Sure if you think about it that would be a good idea but at the long run you are facing a population crisis and the people who are supposed to be dead are changing history forever.Every action you perform has an impact, not a sudden one but in a few years it changes the course that history would have taken. This is why you can find yourself sympathizing with the bad guys who arent really depicted as bad guys in this movie. Maybe it would be wise to let nature take its course and not interfere with history because it could have devastating effects in the future.
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