| 01 October 2005 (USA)
11:59 Trailers

Too much celebrating after scoring the year's biggest story leads to 24 missing hours in the life of photojournalist Aaron Doherty. Awakening in a wheat field with no memory of the previous day, Aaron struggles to account for the gap. Sent back in time when the phenomenon recurs, the progressively disoriented Aaron is left to untangle the vast political conspiracy that's behind it all.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Tss5078 11:59 is as indie as independent films get and from the very beginning you could tell, this was not a film that had any kind of budget. The film is yet another take on Groundhog Day, as a man wakes up in a field, missing 24 hours. He goes about his day trying to figure out what happened, when miraculously he winds up back in the missing day and continues to re-live it. Being that this film had no budget, it was up to the cast to make it believable and worthwhile, unfortunately they fail miserably at it. I get that they were all newcomers, looking for their big break, but the performances here are beyond awful. The lead is played by Raymond Bailey, who has no personality. He actually had long scenes where he wonders around aimlessly, without saying a word, and just doesn't know what to do with himself. The rest of the cast was also terrible, ranging from boring to completely over the top. I've seen a lot of a bad movies and most didn't have the story to work with, that 11:59 did. I can honestly say never have I seen a cast of people who were less qualified to be on the screen. The low budget meant no special effects and no big named actors, but in order to make the film work, they had to give us something, but didn't! When I wasn't in shock over how bad the acting was, I was bored out of my mind, this movie was nothing but a huge waste of time!
Chris Haskell The audience for this movie is anyone in the mood for an indie film that's high on plot, and is OK with struggles in dialog and acting. There is some social commentary and questions raised as to the effect media has in influencing the populace, especially during a scandal. Standard conspiracy type stuff but clever enough to make for a good watch. I gave it a 6 because it was compelling despite the weaknesses and made me interested in the imagination of Winans. This is a young filmmaker that shows promise as long as he handles his career well. His next feature is an animation, which I believe will allow him to develop the plot a little more and I could see being a world he is more comfortable in.
Claudio Carvalho After breaking the news with the arrest of Thomas Hastings (Chris Kelly), the suspect of the abuse and murder of two children in a Monday morning, the asthmatic photojournalist Aaron Dougherty (Raymond Andrew Bailey) becomes the sensation in the ACN News Organization, being congratulated by the director Adele Ransom (Liz Cunningham). He celebrates in a night-club, and wakes-up in a field in the middle of nowhere on Wednesday, having a lapse of time of 24 hours in his life. When he arrives in his job, he becomes aware of the important events that he missed, and he is assigned with his partner Lisa Winders (Laura Fuller) to minor works, not covering the important election between Hansen, of whom Hastings is a collaborator, and Gordon. On the next morning, Aaron wakes-up again in the same field but on Tuesday, and he is able to avoid the announced tragedies, disclosing a huge political conspiracy."11:59" is an intriguing low-budget movie that deserves to be discovered. The story about political conspiracy, premonition and providence keeps the mystery until the very last scene. The pace is adequate, and there are anguishing and suspenseful moments, specially when asthmatic Aaron runs with the boy in his arms. The screenplay is very well written, the direction and performances are top-notch, and the camera work is excellent and the music score is great. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "11:59"
Brandon Freeman I saw this film at the Idaho International Film Festival (it was actually the only feature I was able to attend), and it intrigued me.There are a few flaws, mainly a few actors who didn't give it their all, I felt, but the lead actor helps the film by taking it seriously and overshadowing the others. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him in future films.My biggest qualm with "ll:59" was the over-use of choppy editing. I understand the need to show disorientation, but the scenes in the news room would often cut - not to another angle - but to what appeared to be another take from the same angle. Just very unnatural.However, the film got all of these kinks out of its system by the end of the first act, and I felt the rest of the film carried itself along quite nicely.I would be extremely happy if my first film (which I am currently producing) turns out as well as this film has. Great job, guys, and good luck and God bless on your future endeavors!