Dynamite Warrior
Dynamite Warrior
| 09 November 2006 (USA)
Dynamite Warrior Trailers

The story is set in 1890s Siam. Siang is a young Muay Thai warrior and rocketry expert who steals back water buffalo taken from poor Isan farmers by unscrupulous cattle raiders. He is searching for a man with a tattoo who killed his parents.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
daletheminoltaman The movie is great if you love rotten teeth.I love martial arts movies but this thing is a piece o crap. However, if you are plain and simple minded then you should love this movie. Or if you love rotten teeth this is the movie for you.Terrible movie, worse action and acting.Waste of time, do not bother with this garbage you will regret it.The movie is great if you love rotten teeth.I love martial arts movies but this thing is a piece o crap. However, if you are plain and simple minded then you should love this movie. Or if you love rotten teeth this is the movie for you.Terrible movie, worse action and acting.Waste of time, do not bother with this garbage you will regret it.
ericthered01 This is one weird movie. I guess the best way to describe this would be sort of a Thai version of Robin Hood in which the hero (Dan Chupong) uses rockets instead of arrows. And boy does this guy have some rockets! He has a ton of little rockets that he shoots at the bad guys and then there's the bad boy that he can ride like a surfboard! I'm definitely going to Thailand for my fireworks this year. And apparently he has flint in his fingertips to light these rockets. That's probably good because you really don't want to be wasting time fumbling around with matches when you are single handedly taking out a large group of cattle rustlers. This is one really weird movie that also features a man who can change from a goofy guy with hair that resembles a tidal wave to an older warrior guy who can fight with the best of them. There is also a wizard, at least I think that's what he was supposed to be, a tractor, talk of menstrual blood, and guys who seem to be possessed by spirits of animals that run like monkeys and can jump about fifty feet. Did I mention the hero rides a rocket? As for the fight scenes, since this is really what it's all about, they are mostly average. Dan Chupong is good, check out the much better "Born To Fight", but he doesn't have very many moves. He can do some Tony Jaa-like kicks and flying knees but they don't have quite the same ring to them as Jaa's. And the director of this movie really loves to show guys getting hit and then spinning in the air about ten times before hitting the ground. That's all good once in awhile but it gets old after about the fifth time. There is a couple of good stunts in the movie as well but unlike Ong Bak, this movie uses CGI and wirework for a lot of stunts. If you think a guy riding a big rocket would look ridiculous, you are absolutely right. And judging by some of the extras I watched, this was apparently supposed to be a comedy as well as an action movie. You will definitely laugh but not at the intended humor which doesn't translate well to the American audience. So in conclusion, the fight scenes were nothing special and this was a very weird movie.
morland_m I actually own a mix of over 40 old and new martial arts movies. I have also seen recent productions like City of Violence(Korea)and Kill Zone(china)and despite my great exposure to the genre this movie's boldness in comedy, creative and action makes it stand out as the most fully entertaining action movie in a few years. I have seen ong bak, the protector, and born to fight all form the same director and enjoyed all three very much. This movie fits right in; yet still stands out because of the originality, at least in the west, of its story. The main actor was very good and convincing in his fighting. I think the director is the among the best fight action choreographers and photographers in the movie industry second only to matrix legend yuen woo ping and tied with Corey Yuen.
sheng_3 Talented stuntman/fighter Dan Chupong (Born To Fight) is given little to work with in this repetitive, overlong mess from Thailand. Clearly hoping to bask in the financial glory of Ong Bak and The Protector (aka Tom Yum Goong), this film seems rushed and it shows. The plot is terrible and the acting is substandard (even for a Thai film). The action scenes are poorly conceived and filmed. Slow motion is used for shots that don't deserve it and money shots almost always feature a cutaway revealing the choreographer's complete inability to make the action scenes work. If they get any credit, it's that they don't stoop even lower and use the horrible "shaky, camera on a string" crap to further cover the shortcomings! The character's are cardboard and the set's look like, well, sets! The special effects are cheap (as in most modern Thai films).Just a reminder to those Thai filmmakers who wish to emulate Ong Bak-1. Get talented martial artists & stuntmen 2. Concentrate on the quality of the fight scenes and don't give in to CGI and cutaways. 3. Keep the plot simple (the best martial arts films usually have minimal plot)If you are going to ask those talented stuntmen to risk injury or death, at least try to make a film worth them getting injured for!