Chain of Command
Chain of Command
R | 30 August 2015 (USA)
Chain of Command Trailers

After finding his brother murdered after returning from duty, Webster searches for the perpetrators, but discovers a conspiracy that cuts deep inside the U.S. government.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
aelzubi You learn from this movie that 3 bullets on two men would never hit them. The shooter is a well-muscled police officer! And one bullet would pass the wall and marbles 3 times without bending or changing direction and still fatally hit your enemy: who is also a giant man! Wait: the man who was supposed to be beaten down and tied up doesn't have any dirt on his shirt nor pants!...
associates-47728 You don't need a spoiler alert with this movie because it was spoiled before it was even finished. I'm a real fan of Steve Austin and bought this movie on that basis. Just a shame that I couldn't make it to the end of the movie. Which is saying a lot because I have a very high pain threshold when it comes to bad movies and can normally soldier on through to the bitter end. Not with this lame puppy though. I was having serious misgivings at the 3 minute mark but hung in there hoping for some Steve Austin goodness to redeem the sad train wreck of a movie but finally conceded defeat at the 40 minute mark. Sometimes these sort of Z grade movies can be entertaining because of how bad they are but this one didn't entertain at any level. Predictable plot, very poor acting, lousy script, unbelievably unrealistic use of weapons and unarmed combat, sound track that was often inappropriate to what was happening on screen, poorly conceived sets and the list goes on. Pretty sure they used some of the crews houses and apartments for filming and prepped them by removing personal photos etc from the wall because why else would a living room have a whole bunch of empty picture hooks on the wall? Why was I even noticing stuff like that? Spotting the list of errors in this movie could be made into its own movie. The best part of this movie was the satisfying clunk it made as it bounced off the bottom of my trash can.
thewelshkaibigan Well I have watched a lot of movies over the years but this has to be the one movie that contains such bad acting it's like they were just starting first year in acting school. Only person I had really heard of was Steve Austin and wasn't expecting too much from him as he is not really a film actor per se, just and actor from the world of wrestling.Looks like this Jai guy has some fighting moves but they are totally wasted in this movie.If you must watch it then just accept that, you were warned. Honestly, the rest of the reviews have given it low marks and I will be no different. Simply awful.
thamaddrumma This was a major waste of time. The post production was so bad I couldn't even watch all of it. Even if I did like the acting the sounds in the movie were terrible . My 5 year old could score this movie better by the way.. The music was cheap and bland... I could tell that they didn't have a budget but thats OK. Low budget movies don't always suck. But this had a budget of 5 million. It looks like it was shot with a family canon camera . There was a part where a man was shot in the leg. They decided to used CGI for the wound but the wound didn't move with his body so the CGI is dancing on his leg.. LIKE, WHAT??? Why would you do that? Who saw this and said " good job" ?? I am not trying to be mean but I paid for this and I am not happy. The two lead actors are good actors but they just look like they are doing this for a friend. I wish I could get my time back..very sad...