Danny Deckchair
Danny Deckchair
PG-13 | 16 May 2003 (USA)
Danny Deckchair Trailers

Based on a true story, the tale of a cement truck driver named Danny, whose long awaited vacation is cancelled thanks to his scheming girlfriend, Trudy. Danny escapes his grim life in suburban Australia and blasts into the skies in a chair tied with helium balloons. A mighty thunderstorm blows him clean off the map, and spits him out far away over the lush green town of Clarence. In this new town, he rockets into the world of Glenda, the town's only parking cop. While the media back home becomes obsessed with the story of his disappearance, Danny gets to reinvent himself in this new town, and in his great adventure, he discovers a true soul mate in Glenda. Fate catches up with him eventually, as Danny's true identity is revealed and Trudy--now a tabloid celebrity--comes to the idyllic town to claim Danny and drag him back to Sydney. Danny, however, is a changed man; he's discovered what it means to be happy and has found a new self-worth.

Cortechba Overrated
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
ashton092295 He could have just pulled one balloon down at a time and popped them with his mouth. Regardless a good movie and I love the Aussies!! His wife is a doll. I would love to try it out some day and fly around town with some weed and beer. That would be an experience right. I have to put more lines so I am going to blubber on for a while to make this review work. Lalalala I liked the movie and I am in love with Trudy. That's about all I have to say. I love Trudy. What a funny name Trudy, it must be Australian. Well I am almost up to 10 line in this review so thanks for reading. Oh darn one more line to go, this is so dumb. Why do they make us do this?
badmuthahubbard One of the most agonizing script-writing shortcuts is to have a character go 180 degrees from one scene to the next, in one moment being full of love and affection and understanding, and then for whatever reason refusing to talk to the main character, rushing out rudely and refusing any explanation from the main character, in the most unreasonable way. You're not supposed to wonder why this person would do this, you're just supposed to feel the hurt and rejection. If you like these kinds of scenes, buy this movie. Everything about this movie is predictable, tries to be deep and meaningful, and proceeds on the assumption that you've never seen a movie before. An utter failure.
estabansmythe Danny Deckchair is wonderful!For no reason whatsoever I stopped & watched "Danny Deckchair." Watch out, because those are the films that will get you.Lo & behold, I discovered Danny Deckchair to be a little wonder from Down Under. It's uplifting, fun, funny, romantic and downright inspiring.It says, "if you're stuck in your situation you don't like you do not have to remain there. You can enact change and pretty much become whoever or whatever you want." Terrific lesson here. Granted, easier said than done - but definitely do-able.Wonderful lesson; and a charming and wonderful movie.BTW, Rhys Ifans is terrific as Danny! Ditto for Mirando Otto et al! And, Brooke Leal's song that closes out this charming romance, "What About You?" is ideal. Marvelously catchy song whose lyrics fit this film to a "T."
Andy Ethell I watched this film yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find it both funny and engrossing. It is what I call a quirky Australian film because it has an almost absurd premise, or plot, yet it is believable because the characters are real caricatures of the sort of people you would meet in the suburbs of the cities and the small country towns.For example Danny as a bricklayer has that earthy look on life which appeals to the girl he mets in Clarence and the impact he has on the town.This is uniquely Australian type film that they could not make in the USA.It is well worth a watch although the ending was a bit flat.