The Railway Man
The Railway Man
R | 11 April 2014 (USA)
The Railway Man Trailers

A victim from World War II's "Death Railway" sets out to find those responsible for his torture. A true story.

Steineded How sad is this?
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
grantss A movie on the depths of human behaviour, the limits of endurance, and on forgiveness. Good themes, but not well executed. The ending can be seen a mile off. It is made especially easy as the rest of the movie moves so slowly you have heaps of time to figure out where it is going.Pacing is also off. Moves incredibly slowly, then once the two protagonists meet, it rushes to a conclusion. Feels clumsy.Casting is...odd. Both the leading actors, Colin Firth and Hiroyuki Sanada, are too young for the characters they are playing, and look it. Stellan Skarsgard has far too much of an accent to pass off as an English/South African/whatever the hell he was supposed to be soldier.All put in good performances, but were badly miscast.Good performances too from Jeremy Irvine as the young Lomax and from Nicole Kidman.An okay, but not great, movie.
tiailds The premise sounded interesting. It didn't quite live up to it."Was it interesting?" While the story has been done, this instance was well written.2 out of 3."Was it memorable?" The locations were good. The performances were mostly believable. The big problem here is how small the movie feels. There are really only 4 characters, and a handful of settings.1.5 out of 3."Was it entertaining?" I found the pacing to be written in chapters and didn't flow together. Everything was too methodical. The symbolism seemed a tad pretentious.1 out of 3.Starting with 1 (because I was ordered to), 1 + 2 + 1.5 + 1 = 5.5 This movie is such a middle of the road 5, with everything right perfectly equaling everything wrong.
kosmasp Just when one thinks this is just another love story, this movie actually is much more than that. It's about dealing with your past in the present. It's also about fighting your (inner and outer) demons. Very nicely portrayed. Though the resolution might not feel right to some, this movie is consistent in what it is doing.The performances are really great and the flashbacks flesh out what and why the characters are in their current state. There is still a lot of in between the lines you can read and some things might feel either too much or too little (is it rough edges or soft edges?), but that will depend on your personal view of certain things. As it is, it portrays a battle (literally and metaphorically speaking), that is tough to fight with ...
bobbyhollywood In times of war as well as other times, things are done which some do not consider normal, and in their judgments all is not always right. I must give the actors a lot of credit because they filled the characters most adequately, a look here, a step there, in my opinion they each measured what and how they were going to do it to convey the correct thought, and that is one of the important steps in acting.The story was not only compelling for me, but it rivaled many I have seen unfold, and as the others had done, this one had many turning points.Rent, buy or whatever, this is a very good film, and worth the viewing, although, not quite for the faint of heart.